State Library Agency Survey (StLA) Process and Progress
Developing a Better Process August 1: Development of recommended element must be completed and submitted to the IMLS August to October: COSLA discussion of the new element via electronic list October: Research and Statistics Committee reviews discussion and develops recommendation to COSLA October: Recommendation to COSLA for discussion December: New element presented to the Library Statistics Working Group January: Final approval and adoption by COSLA March: Submission by IMLS to OMB for inclusion in subsequent year’s collection
Changes for 2010 Collect data on how many MLS / non-MLS personnel are employed at the state library agency. Delete CD-ROM and Telnet questions. Delete the union list development question.
What’s on the Horizon? Emetrics Categories of Service Visits, events, attendance Services Capital Expenditures Reference and virtual reference
E-metrics Introduced in 2003 Anticipate NISO definition revisions Hold until new definitions are in place Immediately re-introduce
Categories of Service Reflect current activities (Part D. Table 10) Current services: –Literacy program –OCLC Group Access Capability –Preservation/Conservation Services –Reference Referral Services –Retro-conversion –State standards/guidelines –Statewide coordinated digital program or service –Statewide public relations/promotion –Statewide virtual reference service –Summer reading program support –Union list development (to be eliminated) –Universal Service Program (e-rate) support
Services Possible Additions Accreditation of libraries Administration of LSTA grants Administration of State aid Certification of librarians Collection of library statistics Consulting services Continuing Education programs Cooperative purchasing of library materials Interlibrary loan referral services Library legislation preparation and review Library planning/evaluation/research
Visits Visits (114) Total number of persons per year entering StLA outlets, including persons attending activities, meetings, and those persons requiring no staff services. [Gate Count, NISO Z ]The total number of persons who physically enter the library. The total number includes persons who visit in groups and persons who visit for library-sponsored programs. A person may be counted more than once. Counting may be done either upon entrance or upon exit.
Events Continuing Educaton Events (117) Total number of continuing education events which the StLA sponsored and itself presented and (2) another agency presented with the help of StLA funding and planning support. Do not count events for which the StLA is only a nominal sponsor…. [Library Events/Programs, NISO Z ] Events organized by the library. Number of exhibitions and number of events (including virtual events) typically with a literary or cultural intent.
Attendance Attendance at CE Events (118) Total attendance at events reported in item 117. Attendance should include total number of participants in events regardless of delivery method. [Attendance at Library Events, NISO Z ] Total number in attendance at events without regard to type of events: exhibitions and other events; and types of users: children and adults.
Capital Expenditure Library Construction (data element 184) Lack detailed expenditure information Element includes construction, land, equipment, and technology expenditures
Information Services to Individuals Information Services to Groups (Reference 113) Academic survey definitions –Reference (under 20 minutes): In person Virtual Total Reference –Consultations (20 minutes or more): In person Virtual Total Consultations
Virtual Reference Does your library support virtual reference? If “no,” skip to next question. If yes, does your library utilize any of the following and does it collect usage statistics from virtual reference utilities? – –Chat reference, commercial service –Chat reference, instant messaging applications –Sort message service (SMS) or text
Consider These? Does the state library agency provide a circulating collection? –For state government only –For the general public Do you have public library standards? –Where can they be found?
Time to Retire? Retro-conversion LSTA Expenditures by use
What would you like to see change?