Experience you can trust. 1 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Date: 2004
2 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour We offer two types on on-line energy analyses: (1) a detailed version designed for a complete analysis of energy and water consumption analysis that will give your customers an extensive set of energy conservation tips that are applicable to them, and (2) a quick analysis version for those situations where you want to attract your customers’ interest before going onto a detailed analysis. In today’s on-line world, users can quickly abandon a web session should the experience be less than exciting. When users participate in the long survey, they are presented with a detailed analysis. Alternately, when the users participate in the short survey, they are presented with a quick analysis.
3 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Long surveys typically requires secure login using info from billing information Additional info such as may be collected for future customer relations and contact
4 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Sample bills help users locate their login credentials.
5 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Registered users are greeted with a customized welcome message. Users can view a sample report to encourage them to proceed with the survey.
6 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour In the long survey, questions are grouped and presented in sections. Required answers are marked. Contextual help is available.
7 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Sample detailed analysis End-use breakdown by annual cost and percent Sample conservation tip
8 Sample – Analysis Results (Long Survey) Combination tabular and graphical presentation
9 Sample – Savings Tips Summary The tip summary can be ordered by savings or by customized priority to suit DSM objective.
10 Sample – Savings Tip Savings tips can promote utility rebate programs or link to external websites for more information.
11 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Short surveys can have anonymous user registration or collect optional information.
12 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Short surveys typically fit on one web page screen.
13 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour There is a configurable number of pie slices; the remainder is lumped into an Other Uses category. End-uses are broken down by usage percentage.
14 Residential Energy Analysis Guided Tour Users can download analysis as a PDF report for archiving or printing locally.
15 Sample – Downloadable PDF Report PDF reports can also be viewed on line.
16 Residential Energy Analysis (Foreign Languages) Websites can share the same database but present information in foreign languages.
17 Residential Energy Analysis (Foreign Languages) Reports are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese.
18 Residential Energy Analysis (Foreign Languages) Reports are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese.
19 Sample On-line Report for Managers Project managers can view real-time statistics of website activities and track the number of completed surveys.