Abt Associates Inc. in partnership with: Data Management Services Inc. Dillon Allman and Partners. LLC Family Health International Forum One Communications Global Microenterprise Initiatives IntraHealth International London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine O’Hanlon Consulting Population Services International Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine PSP-One Mainstreaming Strategy Building on the Results of the Stakeholder Analysis
Background Stakeholder Analysis Conducted an informal stakeholder analysis of c. 20 USAID staff Queried about: perceptions about the benefits and risks associated with the commercial sector in health; successful and not so successful approaches, and principal contributions; concerns regarding private sector ’ s role in health; and Information needs
Survey Results Identified target groups: Champions Realists Skeptics
Objectives of Mainstreaming Strategy To increase support for private sector involvement in health through: Increased knowledge of private sector contributions to public health goals Broadened understanding of private sector programming options Facilitate public private sector discussion
Mainstreaming Messages Need for common messages Four presented today Message #1: Health needs in developing countries are so great that public resources alone are insufficient to meet them.
Mainstreaming Messages, cont. Message #2: The private sector is providing needed health products and services to a wide range of consumers in developing countries, including the poor, contributing to improved health outcomes.
Mainstreaming Messages, cont. Message #3: Quality in private sector is mixed. Donors and the public sector have an important role to play in improving quality.
Mainstreaming Messages, cont. Message #4: USAID and other donors have demonstrated expertise in how to program successful interventions to increase private sector involvement in healthcare.
Next Steps PSP-One Expert Panel Policy Papers and Primers Policy Primers Interviews with Project Directors and COPs leading private sector initiatives Regional Conferences with other donors (e.g. KfW) and international organizations (WHO)
PSWG reactions?? Other ideas: Inventory resources for working with private sector in health Inventory private sector programs and activities