Advancing UNAIDS support to empowering young people to protect themselves from HIV Consultation, New York, October 2009
What is the Global Fund… Annex or Introduction?
The Global Fund Model Country ownership Performance-based funding Inclusive partnership
The Global Fund Partner Network Examples of partner activities: Resource mobilization Parallel financing Technical assistance to prepare proposals Strengthen linkages to existing country-led efforts Capacity building support for implementing parties Monitoring of impact Advocacy and fund-raising
Process for application/approval Proposal development - an in-country consultative process with multiple stakeholders, based on National Strategic Plan Proposals reviewed by an independent Technical Review Panel of the Global Fund Approved for funding by the Board of the Global Fund Implemented by a Principle Recipient (PR) and Sub Recipients (SR), both governmental and NGOs Oversight by the Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM)
How does the Global Fund currently address YP? Strategy/Policy level Gender & SOGI*strategy cover young women and men and high risk groups requirement to provide detailed analysis in proposal (”Know your epidemic”), how program intends to address issues and break down of data by age and gender (starting Rd 10) HSS/CSS Dual Track Financing (empowerment of CSOs and NGOs) Harm reduction initiative (forthcoming) Commitment to HIV-free generation (recent press-release on scale up of PMTCT) Vulnerable child specialist from 2010 *Sexual orientation and gender identities
How does the Global Fund currently address YP? Monitoring and Evaluation Promotion of alignment and harmonization MESS for improved data collection and use in programs (5-10% of overall grant budget) Examples: Multi-partner M&E Toolkit standard UNAIDS Indicators sections on population subgroups (incl. YP), gender, OR, QoS, target setting, impact measurement, … Use of UNAIDS M&E Systems Strengthening Tool (“Single Tool/12 Components”) - guidance on strategic investments in M&E systems including OR Guidelines for M&E plans - use of national M&E plans, indicators, data collection, etc QoS - collaboration with USG and partners re-launched MARPS- UNAIDS M&E guideline development and support to implementation in grant agreements
Some Figures Total number of people reached by BCC – 91 million (by mid 2009) Spending on HIV prevention – USD 885 million (by end of 2008; of 88% grants reporting) = 29% of total HIV spending $1 billion allocated for HIV grants with harm reduction components; $250 million specifically devoted to needle syringe exchange, substitution therapy and related education How does the Global Fund currently address YP?
Opportunities Increase demand (country ownership/country role)- strategic focus, M&ESS and OR as part of programs supported by GF NSA Partnership strategy- at global and country level Recommendations from recent Y-Peer partnership meeting - Involvement of YP: –Global level The Board: know your representatives on Board, stand for elections Partnership Forum, Friends of the Global Fund –Country level Be proactive in CCM: become CCM member or participate in working groups as non-CCM member; know your representatives on CCM, make them accountable; bring your innovative ideas to be included in proposals Oversee grants from outside : report to CCM and GFATM your concerns on grant implementation Cooperate with technical partners (UN agencies)
Opportunities (2) For further follow up: Proposal guidelines (with relevant team at GF) TRP – ensure briefing on relevant strategies Fact sheets