OFFICERS FOR SCHOOL YEAR President – Belinda Joseph Vice President – Aaliyah Smith Secretary – Daisy Padilla Treasurer – Eli Hires Officer Installation Ceremony and Reception Thursday 11/20/2014
CHILI COOKOFF – WINNERS 1 ST PLACE Won $500 for club account Made $34 selling bowls Expense of $90 Money will go towards competitions, fccla week, and starter fundraiser costs Let’s send in an article to Ga FCCLA website Volunteers???
STAR EVENTS - COMPETITIONS Culinary Competition – Sign up before Nov.11 th for school competition. School Competition December 3 4:00 pm in Room 612 Other events: career investigation, chapter in review display, chapter service project display, early childhood education, entrepreneurship, focus on children, illustrated talk, job interview, leadership, promote and publicize FCCLA, FCCLA chapter website(online), digital stories for change(online), No Kid Hungry National Outreach Project(online) FCCLA competitions
STATE LEADERSHIP MEETING- MARCH ItemCost Registration Fee$80 Lodging$100 est. TravelUnknown ($20) TOTALEstimatied Cost = $200 Payment Plan 1 st payment - $50 November 21 st 2 nd payment - $50 December 20 th 3 rd payment - $50 January 16 th 4 th payment - $50 February 13 th *Fundraising could reduce price…In the works*
STATE LEADERSHIP MEETING - INFORMATION State Meeting Info State Competition Events: Digital storytelling Extemporaneous speaking Knife skills Safety and Sanitation Creative Garnish Chicken Fabrication Baking and Pastry
FCCLA WEEK – FEB. 8 TH - 14 TH Monday Feb. 9 th – Day at the Capitol Ideas to celebrate each day??? Committee???
FUNDRAISING Ideas???? Murder Mystery Dinner (Date?) Jeans week Selling…spice mixture, hot chocolate spoons, etc… Committee???