Recycled Art Competition Eco Council Recycled Art Competition
The Eco Art Competition 2015 Be creative with rubbish! Use something we would normally throw away to create a work of art.
(But ask at home before you use it and make sure it’s clean!) newspaper magazines cardboard boxes old wallpaper Plastic trays Anything you would normally throw away. (But ask at home before you use it and make sure it’s clean!)
Here are some ideas to get you started
Cardboard Tubes
Cardboard Tubes
Egg Cartons
Magazine Collage
Cardboard Boxes
Cardboard Boxes
Plastic Bottles
Old Socks!
The Rules The main part of your work must be made from items that would normally be thrown away. You can create pictures, collages, models – it’s up to you. Entries need to be brought into school on Monday 13th July, clearly marked with your name and class.
Remember! Don’t Bin It – Win it! Ask before you use anything Make sure your rubbish is clean and safe Be creative and have fun! Don’t Bin It – Win it!