Adolescents and Behavior Problems Depression Stereotypy Peer Interventions
Depression Pervasive sadness/irritability Biological disruptions appetite, insomnia, fatigue Psychological difficulties low self esteem, poor concentration,hopelessness Results from multiple factors Review S.Braaten’s “About Adolescents”“About Adolescents”
Interventions for Depression Assessment of depressive factors E.g., if social isolation: teach social interaction skills Cognitive restructuring Attribution retraining Thinking, changing, rearranging
Stereotypy Repetitive behaviors: perseveration Self-stimulation Self-injurious Results from biological and reinforcement factors Rules for intervention If self-injurious, treat If interferes with education, treat
Interventions for Stereotypy Functional Analysis and assessment Social and interactive skills training Establishment of appropriate reinforcement and scheduling.
Behavior Interventions for Adolescents By Adults Positive attention and approval Social reinforcement Contingency Contracting Training procedures Building “backbone” Cognitive Behavior Management
Building “backbone” Effective teaching/schooling Intellectual stimulation Relevance Social values training and incorporation Development of social competence
Development of Social Competence Prosocial behavior training or reinforcement Assertiveness training Stress prevention Refusal skills
Peer mediated Interventions Use of peers as behavior managers Teaching others leads to improved learning and automaticity
Peer Intervention Strategies Group goal setting and feedback Group Contingencies
Group goal setting and feedback Groups discuss and decide individual student goals Specific goals (objectives) are best
Peer Monitoring
Group Contingencies Dependent Independent Interdependent
Dependent Group Contingencies Individual performance of the target student determines consequences to the whole group. Appropriate when target student is being reinforced by his/her “audience” AND the behavior of the whole group is generally good.
Independent Group Contingencies Every individual instance of the target behavior in a group is given the same consequence E.g., everyone who turns in a complete homework assignment receives gym instead of study hall
Interdependent Group Contingencies Each student in a group must achieve a prescribed level of performance before anyone in the group can get a reinforcement E.g., 100% attendance on Fridays for 4 weeks = 10 points for everybody on the midterm
Self-mediated Interventions Self-monitoring (self recording) Self-evaluation Self-instruction
Self-Monitoring Keeping a record of one’s own behaviors Monitoring progress on self-chart
Self-Evaluation Student assesses quality (correctness, adequacy) of self-behavior
Self-Instruction Planned “whispering” Student whispers appropriate instructions for a behavior to self
Guidelines for Use of Self- Management Determine student ability to self-manage Engage student in determining accurate recording or use of strategies Assess fidelity of the procedure Assess that adequate progress is being made
Behavior-Related Issues for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners Primary Considerations Language Culture Problem Behaviors vs. Cultural Differences