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People Every Firefighter in the West Midlands Fire Service receives basic water awareness training. In addition to this a number of personnel have additional skills; Level 2 First Responder (242 Personnel) – Nine Fire Stations can provide water rescue capability in static or slow moving water. Level 3 Swift Water Rescue Technician (96 Personnel) – Three Fire Stations can provide advanced water rescue capability, which also includes carrying out rescues from mud and ice. Level 4 Powerboat Operators – All stations providing Level 3 water rescue capability can also mobilise powerboat operators. A number of our Fire Officers are trained to provide management support and advice at water incidents; Level 5 – Water Incident Manager, able to take operational and tactical incident command at water incidents. Level 6 – Provides tactical, strategic and logistical advice at major or wide-spread flooding incidents.
Resources The West Midlands Fire Service can mobilise two types of boats to water incidents ; Type B (Powered Boat) Type C (Non-powered Boat)