THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING You’ve made a BIG difference in YOUR student’s life by just being here tonight. *studies show students whose parents take an interest in their education fair better in all facets of life
BRIEFLY, ABOUT MR FALLMAN -15th year at RSM -Graduated BA in History with a focus on Colonial America and Latin American history; minor in Geology from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo late last century -Taught Young Adult Transition Program for Students with Severe Special Needs at Saddleback College for 3 years (98 -01) -Head Boys Soccer Coach at THHS for 5 years ( ) -Current coach of Girls U8 AYSO team – the Orange Tiger Crush! -Still plays soccer every week…mostly against whippersnappers…. -Tries to stay in shape… surfs, rides bikes, chases own children around backyard, remodeling home -2nd grader and 3 ½ year old daughters, at home. -Married to Mrs Fallman for… a wonderfully long time
TOPICS COVERED IN THIS CLASS -Colonization of America; forming the early US; Constitution, Washington, Hamilton, & Adams during the 1st Trimester -Jefferson – Polk for Presidents; Westward Movement in the 2nd Tri -Civil War; Industrialization of US for the 3rd Tri
LOTS OF PRIMARY SOURCES FROM HISTORY Collaborate research Think Critically about research Communicate point of view Creatively express overall work
GRADING SCALE 90-99%A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D <60%F >100%A+ **95% (98% in Honors) and above do NOT take the Final. ^^No Name papers are corrected normally, but returned to the No Name Bin. Students need to retrieve their assignment and prove the un-named assignment is theirs…
GOALS FOR THIS HISTORY CLASS To prepare your student for high school, and hopefully, beyond… Note taking skills Researching skills Reading skills Writing skills Decision making skills I focus on ‘hands on’ learning: projects, researching, reading and writing Students are allowed to use their HW as a reference on quizzes THEIR work will help them succeed.
EXPECT AT HOME… 2-4 nights of homework Usually no HW on weekends. HW includes: reading text, vocabulary, questions, worksheets, studying for quizzes Monday, the calendar for the week’s work should be written down in their planner Tests/quizzes cover the the week’s work. Grades are posted every 2- 3 weeks.
POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES Chairs of relaxation Extra Credit Opportunities HW Passes
HOW TO CONTACT MR FALLMAN --> the best way to contact me. Check Mr Fallman’s teacher page attached to RSM site Notes from home work well Use student planner to communicate Please do NOT call. Voic is inefficient and not useful.
THANK YOU, AGAIN!! Questions? Comments? jokes? Have fun in your next class.