High Five for Healthy Relationships Game! 2008 Amarillo Independent School District
What is A Healthy Relationship? What is An Unhealthy Relationship? Dating Violence: What Is It? How to Help Your Friend Where to Get Help for Me
R_____ yourself and others. What is Respect?
He/she ____ you around. What is Bosses?
__ in 10 U.S. teens has/have experienced physical violence in their relationships. What is 1?
Tell him/her that you ___ what he/she is saying. What is Believe?
___ a trusted adult. What is Tell?
You feel ___ around this person. What is Safe?
A batter does this. What is Hitting?
__% of year old Texans have personally experienced dating violence or known someone who has. What is 75%?
Don’t keep this abuse a _____. What is Secret?
What is School Counselor? Talk to your ____ _____.
____ to and tell others how you feel. What is Listen?
It’s all your fault. What is Blames You?
One example of dating violence is when you try to _____ another person. What is Control?
Tell your friend it is not his/her ______. What is Fault?
Tell your ____ what is going on. What is Parent/Guardian?
Accept his/her right to say __. What is No?
Your face turns red when he/she does this. What is Embarrasses You?
He/she often feels and gets ___ at you. What is Angry?
Share local ____ with him/her to get some help. What are Resources?
Report this incident to your ___ ___. What is Assistant Principal?
Spend ___ with people that you care about. What is Time?
He/she gets ___ when you talk to other people. What is Jealous?
He/she expects you to be with him/her often and not with your ____/___. What is Family/Friends?
Tell your friend to ___ __ a trusted adult. What is Talk To?
Set up a ____ word/phrase to let others know that you can’t talk and are in danger. What is Code?