Continuing and growing trend due to lack of outreach and lack of understanding
Synopsis: Ryan, Miller-Loesi, & Nieri Predicting Gang Membership Lack of role of a significant adult in life At risk youth lack relationship with school personnel Unhealthy relationship with school and peers > lack of communication Neighborhood the adolescents are surrounded by
Synopsis (continued): Lopez, Wishard, Gallimore, & Rivera Latino HS Students Perceptions of Gangs Like minded individuals who engage in initiation rituals and extremely violent behavior ESL, low income, poor schools, lack of work Latino families gangs are viewed as way to rebel against institution that oppressed them Looking for a family, sense of belonging Schools need to provide resources
Synopsis (continued): Rios Education or Incarceration Negative interactions with school personnel on a daily basis Lack of outreach from school and police Embarrassment/brutality/bullying from adults Lack of resources Gang members want change, but they are looked down upon Racially targeted Lack of trust and genuine relationships with anyone
Synopsis (continued): Dishion, Nelson, & Yasui Predicting Gang Involvement Academic failure, antisocial behavior, relating to others who are also unsuccessful and deviant Starts at age 13 and escalates tremendously to age 18 Drug abuse
EFFECT ON STUDENT AND THEIR EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Upbringing and neighborhood are hard to escape Dropout Absenteeism Teen pregnancy Suspension/expulsion Violence Drug abuse Physical/mental abuse Weapons Peer rejection Acceptance Ability to work Lack of education Death Incarceration Lack of trust
To Ponder: / Schools automatically target at-risk students and do nothing to increase their interest in school / Its not always the adolescent / Mentoring program / Workshops / College awareness group / Increase confidence by support and genuine relationships / Reach out to leaders of the gang / Schools automatically target at-risk students and do nothing to increase their interest in school / Its not always the adolescent / Mentoring program / Workshops / College awareness group / Increase confidence by support and genuine relationships / Reach out to leaders of the gang
As a counselor, my role: / Create a safe environment / Identify gang members / Identify at-risk youth / Provide resources to help students build social and academic success / Create a safe environment / Identify gang members / Identify at-risk youth / Provide resources to help students build social and academic success