Benediktushof Maria Veen 1. Introduction
Working: Vocational training center Sheltered work shop Benediktushof: Living: Children, adolescents, adults, seniors
Vocational Training Center Preparation: 5 weeks to 18 months 310 trainees (physical, learning, mental disabilities – age: 16-26) Apprenticeship 35 professions (bureau, metal, wood, housekeeping, …) Work, school and living in one hand
Vocational Training Center Professions: Vocational trainer Social worker (living, case management, trainings) Teacher Psychologist Medic, physiotherapist …
Benediktushof Maria Veen 2. ICF core set
An ICF core set should be used in team meetings (team: a participant with his vocational trainer, teacher, social worker, psychologist etc). Meetings of the team may not take longer than 45 min. Every important aspect must be considered. Staff must be able to handle the system easily – it should not be a system for experts only. Participants must be able to understand the system. Demands on a core set:
ICF: 1400 items – too many to handle Questions, leading to a conclusion: 1.Which competences and skills are necessary for an apprenticeship and for getting and keep hold of a job? 2.Which competences and skills are necessary for daily living at a boarding center? 3.Which items of ICF can be used to describe these competences and skills? 4.Which environmental factors have to be accounted for apprenticeship and open labour market? Result: about 50 items
Mental functions:General tasks and demandsGeneral interpersonal interactions b 117 intellectual functionsd 210 undertaking a single taskd 710 basic interpersonal interactions b 1262 conscientiousnessd 2101 undertaking a complex taskd 7203 interacting according to social rules b 1266 confidenced 220 undertaking multiple tasksd 740 formal relationships b 1267 trustworthinessd 2309 carrying out daily routineMajor life areas b 130 energy and drive functionsd 2400 handling responsibilitiesd 825 vocational training b 1301 motivationd 2401 handling stressCommunity, social and civic life b 1304 impulse controld 2402 handling crisisd 920 recreation and leisure b 140 attention functionsConversation and use of communicationNatural environment b 144 memory functionsdevices and techniquese 250 sound b 147 psychomotor functionsd 345 writing messagesSupport and relationships b 1640 abstractiond 350 conversatione 310 immediate family b 1641 organisationd 360 using communication techniquese 355 health professionals b 1642 time management and devicesAttidudes b 1643 cognitive flexibilitySelfcaree 465 social norms, practices and b 1644 insightd 540 dressing ideologies Learning and applying knowledged 570 looking after one‘s healthServices, systems and policies d 115 listeningDomestic life e 585 education and training services d 155 acquiring skillsd 620 acquisition of goods and services systems and policies d 166 readingd 630 preparing meals d 170 writingd 640 doing housework d 172 calculatingd 660 assisting others d 175 problem solving d 177 making decisions Core set – vocational rehabilitation
Problem: How to understand ICF? Staff members didn‘t understand the explanations of the items. The explanations are: -Too abstract -Contain too many technical terms -Are not always consistent. Solution: The definitions were operationalized, i.e. ‚translated‘ into everyday language, incl. examples und assistance how to differ between similar items.
Operationalization of explanations - example d 2400 Handling responsibilities ICF explanation: Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions to manage the duties of task performance and to assess the requirements of these duties. Maria Veen operationalization: Being able to handle responsibilities covers several aspects: - Being able to feel responsible - Knowing one‘s responsibilities, concerning people, animals or things to do - You do not only know your responsibilities, but you know your obligations and you can fulfil them. There are clues how to find out, that someone is not able to handle responsibilities: - A person doesn‘t feel responsible for anybody or anything - A person feels responsible for everybody and everything - A person doesn‘t meet his obligations. Be careful: Do not mix up the ability of handling responsibilities with trustworthiness. Trustworthiness is a question of ethical attitude – handling responsibilities is a cognitive and social skill.
Rating Scale 0 Problem not existing – in everyday life there are no important problems to record. 1Problem slightly existing – in everyday life there are existing slightly but not serious problems. 2Problem considerably existing – caused by a deficit, important problems are existing in everyday life. 3Competence almost or complete missing – there are very serious problems in everyday life. 8The item cannot be evaluated. 9The item is not applicable.
ICF-core set: assessment sheet with attached rating scale
Benediktushof Maria Veen 3. Using the ICF core set
ICF-based individual service planning in Maria Veen Preparation Meeting / Planning Working Evaluation Every trainee has got his team: trainee himself, vocational trainer, teacher, social worker, psychologist etc. During every vocational training and apprenticeship there are at least three meetings. During the meeting the team communicates about resources and deficits of the trainee: the rating scale of the core set ist fulfilled. A profile is created. On the base of the profile the next phase of the training is planned: targets, assistance, responsibilities, time limit. After this next phase a new meeting takes place. Again the core set is used and the team members can evaluate whether the targets have been achieved.
Service-planning is IT-based Service planning takes place in IT-Network. There is a file for every participant. Every member of the team can always see: - The state of service planning at the moment. - The state of service planning at every stage of rehabilitation.
Benediktushof Maria Veen 4. Implementation of ICF- based service-planning
ICF-based service planning for every participant of preparation courses 2005 – Work group for implementation of ICF in Maria Veen Construction of a core set for preparation courses 2008 – Translation of ICF explanation into everyday language 2008 – Staff training (preparation courses) 2008 – reflexion and revision by users 2009 – training for every staff member of the center 2009 – Construction of a short list for the apprenticeship 2009 – ICF-based service planning for every participant of the center Implementation of ICF-based Serviceplanning TIME
Benediktushof Maria Veen 5. Benefits of using the core set
Benefits of ICF-based service planning Effective management of rehabilitation Clear task sharing Reliability for participants and staff High quality of communication in a multiprofessional team Transparency for participants and staff Reports and statistical analysis are possible
Seggebaeing, Bernd – Selting, Andreas – Soggeberg, Claudia