CIOSS SCIENCE AND OUTREACH: THE COAS APPROACH Ted Strub - CIOSS Director Mike Freilich – CIOSS Deputy Directory College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) Oregon State University National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service NOAA/NESDIS/ORA – Marie Colton NOAA/NESDIS/ORA/CI’s – Fran Holt NOAA/NESDIS/ORA/ORAD – Eric Bayler
CIOSS Objectives Conduct oceanographic and air-sea research using remotely sensed data, models and in situ data; Evaluate and improve products, develop new multi-sensor products, models and data- assimilation techniques; advise NESDIS about these products and techniques; Educate and train students, researchers, policy makers and the public in use of remotely sensed data.
Federal Register: May 3, 2002 “NESDIS invites applicants to establish a Cooperative Institute…within which a broad- based research program in ocean remote- sensing can be developed and sustained.” This provides an excellent match for the COAS approach and its key to success in a competitive soft-money environment: Quality Research Breadth of Expertise (in Remote Sensing)
Expected Activities Build an institutional infrastructure (the CIOSS Institute) Support multi-disciplinary research projects in Satellite Remote-Sensing supporting the nation’s coastal and ocean needs. Increase recruitment and outreach, including: familiarization of ‘users’ with ocean and coastal remote-sensing; research training; career development and mentoring.
OUTREACH Community outreach and education (through HMSC and other community centers) Research Training (through traditional courses, summer workshops/short courses, internships and other programs to support under-represented groups, …) Career development and mentoring. Both Research and Mentoring are accomplished by using “core” funding to bring post-docs and junior faculty to work with more experienced and senior faculty.
Mentoring – 7 of the 14 initial CIOSS PI’s at COAS were mentored by other COAS faculty Jack Barth (Coastal/mesoscale circulation; in situ data collection/analysis; modeling) Gary Egbert (Tides; data assimilation) Mike Kosro (Coastal/mesoscale circulation; in situ and coastal radar data collection and analysis) Ricardo Letelier (Phytoplankton ecology; satellite ocean color; in situ bio- optical sensors) Roger Samelson (Ocean and atmosphere dynamics and modeling) Eric Skyllingstad (Fluid dynamics and atmospheric modeling) Ted Strub (Mesoscale circulation; satellite ALT/SST/pigment patterns) John Allen (Coastal ocean dynamics and modeling) Mark Abbott (Phytoplankton ecology; satellite ocean color) Andrew Bennett (Ocean/Atmosphere dynamics; inverse modeling and DA) Dudley Chelton (Ocean dynamics; satellite ALT/SCAT/Microwave SST) Jim Coakley (Surface radiation – multi-sensor) Steve Esbensen (Air-sea interaction; climate) Mike Freilich (Surface waves and winds; Microwave satellite sensors)
CIOSS Research Themes Geographic focus: The California Current System and other “coastal” regions 1) Improved sea surface fields (air-sea fluxes, state variables such as SSH, pigment conc.) 2a) Improved numerical models of coastal ocean and atmospheric circulation, (eventually) including biological productivity 2b) Data-assimilation techniques for the coastal ocean 3) Dynamical analyses of “coastal” ocean circulation and productivity
Initial Projects SURFACE FIELDS 1) Improved resolution in scatterometer wind stress and curl fields. 2) Improved visible and IR radiation fields at the ocean surface.. 3) Improved optical property fields in the upper ocean. 4) Fields of phytoplankton physiological condition. 5) Improved resolution of mesoscale circulation features using altimeter/radar surface height/velocity. MODELING 6) Mesoscale models of the coastal atmospheric circulation. 7) Analysis of existing coastal ocean model fields, prior to nesting/DA. 8) Data-assimilation techniques for coastal ocean models. DYNAMICAL ANALYSES 9) Analyses of unresolved dynamics in the California Current – i.e., the poleward undercurrent, the inshore countercurrent.
Beyond the First 1-3 Years: The Call for Proposals specifically asked for: “collaborative efforts with NESDIS and other organizations;” “bring together … a research-oriented university, NESDIS, and other branches of NOAA in order to maintain a center of excellence in satellite remote- sensing…” “multiple disciplines,…multiple research- performing and research-sponsoring partners.”
CIOSS Goals for this Initial Site Visit Learn about the activities and capabilities at COAS and NESDIS; Begin the discussion of more far-reaching partnerships that can expand the activities of the NESDIS/COAS Cooperative Institute, in the 3-10 year time frame.
CIOSS Partners INITIAL PARTNERS IN THE PROPOSAL Jim McWilliams, UCLA (ocean modeling) John Kindle, NRL (ocean modeling) Hernan Arango (Rutgers, data assimilation) Oregon Sea Grant (Outreach, applications) State of Oregon (Coastal Mgt) HMSC Visitors Center FUTURE PARTNERS? PFEL/COASTWATCH (Product definition, cal/val and distribution) ACCEO (west coast observational network) U. Colorado (“real-time” alt; surface velocities) NMFS – Newport (Remote fields/fronts and fish) CoOP – Columbia River Plume study
CIOSS Structure NOAA/NESDIS/ORA/ORAD – Eric Bayler, Fran Holt | | | Advisory Council (External) | | Director/Deputy Director – Science Panel | Outreach – Admin Assist – NESDIS/ORA/ORAD HMSC Displays | – COAS Admin. Office Web page | Workshops/Courses | | CIOSS Research Personnel & Projects
CIOSS Structure-(NOAA Terms) NOAA/NESDIS/ORA/ORAD – Eric Bayler, Fran Holt | | | Executive Bd (External) | | Director/Deputy Director – Council of Fellows | Outreach – Admin Assist – NESDIS/ORA/ORAD HMSC Displays | – COAS Admin. Office Web page | Workshops/Courses | | CIOSS Research Personnel & Projects
CIOSS Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Director: Ted Strub; Deputy Director: Mike Freilich Who we are: OSU, COAS: Faculty/students; Institutional Connections; Facilities; Satellite Data Capture and Archiving; Outreach Home page for OSU – Home page for COAS – or Home page for Hatfield Marine Science Center – Home page for MRM – Home page for CIMRS – the other CI – Home page for OR Sea Grant – Home page for OR Space Grant – Satellite Data Home page for COAS MODIS data – Home page for COAS GOES & Polar Orbiting data – Home page for GLOBEC Satellite Archive – Outreach (Also HMSC Visitors Center, above) Home page for NAMSS – Home page for SMILE – Home page for GLOBEC NEP –
Projects Priorities - COAS 1)Improved resolution in scatterometer wind stress and curl fields. 2)Improved optical property fields in the upper ocean. 3)Improved resolution of mesoscale circulation features using altimeter/radar surface height/velocity. 4)Analysis of existing coastal ocean model fields, prior to nesting/DA. 5)Data-assimilation techniques for coastal ocean models. 6)Analyses of unresolved dynamics in the California Current – i.e., the poleward undercurrent, the inshore countercurrent. 7)Improved visible and IR radiation fields at the ocean surface. 8)Fields of phytoplankton physiological condition. 9)Mesoscale models of the coastal atmospheric circulation.
Projects Priorities - NESDIS 1)Improved resolution in scatterometer wind stress and curl fields. 2)Improved optical property fields in the upper ocean. 3)Improved resolution of mesoscale circulation features using altimeter/radar surface height/velocity. 4)Mesoscale models of the coastal atmospheric circulation. 5)Analysis of existing coastal ocean model fields, prior to nesting/DA. 6)Data-assimilation techniques for coastal ocean models. 7)Analyses of unresolved dynamics in the California Current – i.e., the poleward undercurrent, the inshore countercurrent. 8)Improved visible and IR radiation fields at the ocean surface. 9)Fields of phytoplankton physiological condition.