SSIS Fiscal August 23, 2005
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Why SSIS Fiscal? SACWIS Requirement to include fiscal data and transactions –Payments –Service Arrangements –IV-E Claiming & Reporting CSIS replacement –Reports –MA Claiming Integration of case management and fiscal functions
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, SSIS Fiscal Preparation Now in SSIS Version 3.8 –Chart of Accounts Initial Load – in progress –Provider/Vendors/Business Organizations –Vendor Import from IFS or County Accounting System –Programs and Services
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Progress Payments, claiming and reporting workgroups Custom county meetings Technical meetings Regional county meetings Working with staff at Computer Systems Support Begun vendor import Finishing with COA Initial Load SSIS Fiscal Flyer newsletter –distribute current happenings –post surveys or questions for which we need additional input
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Fiscal Mentor Program Fiscal Mentor will: Receive specialized training Attend bimonthly or quarterly meetings to receive information and training on SSIS Work with the County Fiscal Coordinator to resolve project and local county problems Provide county feedback about using SSIS Fiscal
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Fiscal Mentor Program (cont.) Supply day-today user support by providing samples of, or training on system changes Serve as a communication link between county accounting staff and SSIS.
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Benefits of a Mentor Program To the county Access to timely SSIS Fiscal application information Shared information from other counties Well-informed on-site support Communication link to SSIS designers Demonstrations and training with time for questions and answers Regular meetings for updates to information
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Benefits of a Mentor Program To SSIS Presentation of consistent, updated information Better use of Help Line resources allowing Help Line staff to focus on more complex issues Communication from Fiscal users on needed changes and enhancements Quality implementation of system updates
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Information Integrity More Important Now All billing, claiming and reporting done in SSIS Fiscal so accurate information is needed to: –Make payments to vendors –Create and submit accurate claims based on time reporting and purchased services for reimbursement –Send reports to DHS for their use and reimbursement to counties Cash Flow –Accurate information = County revenue
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Vendor Import Vendor records import from county accounting system. Changes to imported fields are made only in the county accounting system. Import will overwrite Bus Org Name, payment address, phone, fax, , etc. in SSIS. –Need to train SSIS Worker users to search by license type or IV-E eligible indicator. Smith, John Foster Care Home will be overwritten by your county accounting system to Smith/John and you may have another John Smith that provides Chore Services.
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Vendor Import Imported Fields Vendor numberFax number Vendor name address Address line 1Status Address line 2Payee Vendor number Address line 3MMIS MA Provider ID City1099 Vendor StatePhone number Zip codeCounty code National Provider Identifier (future use) Associated processing information fields Phone number
Mentor MeetingAugust 23,
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Service Arrangement
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Service Agreement
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Payment details
Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Chart of Accounts updated If the county uses Maximums on the Chart of Accounts (COA) codes or groups, then the account is updated in the COA so that the dollar amount is listed as expended instead of encumbered.