Gregor Mendel Father of Genetics How do we acquire our traits?
His Experiments Selective cross breeding of pea plants (Pisum sativum)
His findings Traits appear without blending – Ex. A purple flower pea plant mixed with a white flower pea plant would not produce light purple flowers. The results would be: purple or white
Terms: Allele: two or more forms of a gene. Example: Pea Color: Green (Y) Yellow (y) Dominant: Allele that is expressed or dominant (Y), even in the presence of a recessive allele. Shown by capital letter Recessive: Allele that is only expressed when paired with another recessive allele (y). Can be masked, and carried into future generations
Homozygous: 2 of the same alleles ex. YY or yy Heterzygous: 2 different alleles ex. Yy Genotype: Allele description of a trait YY, Yy or yy Phenotype: Word description of a trait – YY – Green – Yy – Green – yy - yellow Terms:
The Principle of Segregation Only one gene is passed from the parent to the offspring Segregation of alleles in the production of sex cells
Principle of Independent Assortment Each time a gene is passed, does not depend on the time before. Ex. Pea plant could be Yy (a gene for green and a gene for yellow) and Tt (gene for Tall and gene for short) – 1 st cross the plant could pass the y – 2 nd cross could pass the Y – Passing of the Tall or short gene is INDEPENDENT of the passing of the color gene
Why do we look similar but different?
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More Definitions Heredity – traits passed on to the next generation – Ex. Eye color, hair color, shape of hairline, earlobes attached or unattached, heart disease, diabetes, cancer Gene – unit of heredity passed from the parent to the offspring (babies) Carrier – carries the recessive gene, but does not show it – Ex. A person can have brown eyes (Bb) but carry the gene for blue eyes (b)
Purebred – bred from parents of the same variety (all the same genes!) – Example: TT x TT all tall plants – tt x tt all short plants Hybrid – bred from parents with different genotypes (not necessarily different phenotypes) – Tt x Tt could give tall, or short plants