Identification and Biometrics By Jay Eichler
Introduction What is biometrics? What is biometrics? Types of biometrics Types of biometrics Controversy Controversy Interview Interview My thoughts My thoughts Conclusion Conclusion
What is Biometrics? Technique of studying physical characteristics of a person such as: Technique of studying physical characteristics of a person such as: fingerprints, voice, DNA, eyes, face, hand fingerprints, voice, DNA, eyes, face, hand Greek for life and measure Greek for life and measure Science and technology of authentication Science and technology of authentication by measuring: by measuring: physiological features physiological features behavioral features behavioral features
Common Biometrics Methods Fingerprinting Fingerprinting Voice Recognition Voice Recognition DNA Fingerprinting DNA Fingerprinting Retinal Scanning Retinal Scanning Iris Scanning Iris Scanning Face Recognition Face Recognition Hand Geometry Hand Geometry
Fingerprinting Oldest successful method used Oldest successful method used Early 1800s Early 1800s Most commonly used method for: Most commonly used method for: Forensic evidence tool Forensic evidence tool May outperform DNA identification May outperform DNA identification Measure ridges and grooves Measure ridges and grooves Minutiae-based technique Minutiae-based technique Maps points Maps points Correlation-based technique Correlation-based technique Gray-scale representation Gray-scale representation others others
Voice Recognition or Voice Print the technology by which: the technology by which: sounds, words or phrases spoken by humans are: sounds, words or phrases spoken by humans are: converted into electrical signals converted into electrical signals signals are transformed into coding patterns signals are transformed into coding patterns identified by a computer identified by a computer Input commands Input commands Differentiate a person’s voice Differentiate a person’s voice
DNA Fingerprinting Examine DNA pair sequence Examine DNA pair sequence Near perfect accuracy Near perfect accuracy Used for: Used for: Forensic evidence Forensic evidence Heredity checking Heredity checking Family Family evolution evolution Future heath advances Future heath advances
Retinal Scanning Scans retina of eye Scans retina of eye Blood vessels behind eye Blood vessels behind eye first time used first time used Uncomfortable but accurate Uncomfortable but accurate Must be close to machine Must be close to machine Light in eye for seconds Light in eye for seconds Must hold head still Must hold head still Used in high security areas Used in high security areas
Iris Scanning Scans iris of eye Scans iris of eye Unique patterns of colors, rings, specks, etc Unique patterns of colors, rings, specks, etc Takes picture of eye Takes picture of eye Algorithm developed, first used Algorithm developed, first used Used in James Bond movie in 1980s Used in James Bond movie in 1980s Easy to use Easy to use Stand up to 2 feet away Stand up to 2 feet away Take a few seconds Take a few seconds Used by airports, prisons, banks Used by airports, prisons, banks
Face Recognition Scan person’s face Scan person’s face Measures certain features: Measures certain features: Jaw, noise, space between eyes Jaw, noise, space between eyes Not very accurate Not very accurate Very expensive Very expensive Used with other biometric devices Used with other biometric devices
Hand Geometry Analysis of a hand Analysis of a hand Uses metal surface Uses metal surface Small pegs Small pegs Somewhat accurate Somewhat accurate Every hand is not unique Every hand is not unique Use with small database Use with small database Small corporation Small corporation
Controversy Threat to privacy Threat to privacy Scanning face, eyes, fingerprints in public Scanning face, eyes, fingerprints in public Fear of new technology Fear of new technology Scenarios such as placing chip under skin Scenarios such as placing chip under skin May not be as accurate as thought May not be as accurate as thought Criminals using fake eyes, burning fingerprints, etc Criminals using fake eyes, burning fingerprints, etc Mistakes could be made Mistakes could be made Place innocent people in jail Place innocent people in jail DNA issues DNA issues evolution evolution
Interview Richard Ortiz Richard Ortiz Security Specialist Security Specialist Moody Air Force Base Moody Air Force Base 2 years 2 years Asked about: Asked about: Biometrics used Biometrics used His thoughts His thoughts
My Thoughts Great possibilities Great possibilities More in future More in future Make life easier Make life easier Less passwords Less passwords No keys No keys Safer future Safer future I do not think chips will be implanted in people I do not think chips will be implanted in people
Conclusion Biometric methods used for centuries Biometric methods used for centuries Most accurate form of identification Most accurate form of identification Many methods used Many methods used Great for crime fighting Great for crime fighting Great for security Great for security Promising future Promising future