Shapes, Pictures, and Text Boxes Lesson 1
Objectives 1. Work with shapes and the drawing canvas. 2. Modify shapes. 3. Control order, group, and align shapes. Objectives continued After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Objectives 4. Insert pictures. 5. Insert text boxes. 6. Apply advanced layout settings. 7. Create a watermark. (Objectives continued from previous slide )
Preparing to draw an object Figure 1-1
Drawing an AutoShape Figure 1-2
Changing the shape of an object Figure 1-3
Resizing an object Figure 1-4
Rotated shape Figure 1-5
Choosing a shadow style Figure 1-6
Shadow Settings toolbar Figure 1-7
3-D Settings toolbar Figure 1-8
Modified shape Figure 1-9
Changing the order and position of shapes Figure 1-10
Drag to draw a box around the objects Figure 1-11
Aligned objects Figure 1-12
Inserting text boxes Figure 1-13
Resized text boxes with formatted text Figure 1-14
Choosing options in the Format Text Box dialog box Figure 1-15
Changing text direction Figure 1-16
Choosing Advanced Layout options Figure 1-17
Redesigned layout Figure 1-18
Creating a printed watermark Figure 1-19