Word for cleaning feathers? preen
3 systems united in cloaca Digestive, reproduction, excretory
Brood patch is what? Bare skin to keep eggs warm
Name of bird/reptile found in Germany? Archopteryx lithographacus
Central portion of a feather (vein) rachis
How many chambers are in the heart? four
Pterodactyl means? Wing finger
Why was limestone in demand in the 1700’s printing
Special feature of respiratory system Air sacs
Cow birds and cuckoos have odd rearing practice Brood parasitism
Three functions of a feather Flight, mate, and insulate
Two major lobes of the brain? Optic and cerebellum
Why do birds change feathers and what is it called? Molt Mate migrate
2 skeletal features that aid in flight? Hollow, fused bones
How are birds classified? Anatomy, DNA, song
Protobird has reptile and bird features such as Teeth, feathers, fine boned skeleton, and scales
Why would birds have a broader range then reptiles? Endothermic and feather
Contrast precocial and altricial? Number of eggs Nests on ground Behavior at birth
Describe the two theories of bird origin Cousins of dinosaurs because of common ancestor OR descendent of dinosaurs
Factors that influence migration Food, season, mating
Resources that help in navigation Stars, magnets in head, visuals cues
List organs in the digestive system Mouth, esophagus, crop, proventriculus, gizzard, intestine
Compare and contrast birds and reptiles Type of egg shell Ecto vs. endothermic Feathers scales incubation of eggs in nest or not