Transition of Care Reference Implementation & Pilots Kick-Off May 31, 2011
Agenda Purpose Review of Architecture Workgroup Administration Timeline Next Steps
Purpose –Develop tools which create and validate ToC Information Packets. (1) a programmatically accessible Reference Library for the Clinical Information Model (CIM) (2) a tool which will utilize the reference library to validate and transform ToC data from a source format to a desired ToC Information Packet output. –Perform Demonstrations and Pilots of the tools developed with participating organizations Note: Transportation of ToC Information Packets between HIE’s or other entities is out of scope for this effort.
High Level Architecture
Workgroup Administration Workgroup Meeting Time Committed Member Registration –Join S&I Framework Wikispaces Site –Register as committed member –Join ToC RI Work Group –Join Google Group “S&I ToC Reference Implementation” –Join Open Health Tools (OHT) code repository Consensus Process for Document Approval
Volunteer Opportunities Programming Analysis & Design Specific tool knowledge Domain expertise –Clinical Information Model –Vocabularies –CDA Test data and test cases Validation of results User-acceptance / Demo or Pilot
Timeline 5/31-RI WG Kick Off Purpose Review of Architecture Workgroup Admin Timeline 5/31-RI WG Kick Off Purpose Review of Architecture Workgroup Admin Timeline 6/7-WG Mtg 2 Clarify architecture Code contribution process Communication channels Draft detailed design 6/7-WG Mtg 2 Clarify architecture Code contribution process Communication channels Draft detailed design 6/14-WG Mtg 3 Confirm detailed design Available tools discussion Coding task definition Coding task selection 6/14-WG Mtg 3 Confirm detailed design Available tools discussion Coding task definition Coding task selection
Topics for next meeting Clarify questions on architecture Determine code contribution process Communication channels and collaboration Present draft detailed design
Homework Sign up for Wiki and Work Group –Indicate where you can help out Review Architecture Environmental scanning of available tools –HL7 v3, CDA/CCD; C32; CCR –Validation, transformation Post feedback on Discussion tab