Candy sale power point
Who Can Take a Rainbow Who can take a sunshine and sprinkle it with dew?
Car rider and FCA this week only
Rules 1.Be polite 2.Tell why we are selling (because you have the best teacher in world) 3.Tell all the crazy, exciting labs we are and will do with money 4. You are responsible for your candy and money 5. Tell them it is best choc. In world
Rules 1.Don’t leave in sun 2.Don’t leave money or candy unguarded 3.Don’t sell in lunch room 4.Don’t give IOU’s 5.Don’t eat all your candy yourself without paying 6.Don’t let your cat or dog or goat eat it. 7.Don’t sell at the door of Walmart 8.Don’t sell why preacher is preaching 9.Don’t sell to the creepy dude at the corner with high grass 10.Turn money in as soon as you get $60 (write check if can)
Level one prizes
Level 1 prizes Name goes in as many times as you sell
Third Drawing – per class Level 2 – better prizes
Level 3 – most sold per teacher
Pizza, candy and coke for most sold per teacher
If you want 1.60 dollar check to AMS (you keep cash) 2.Pre sale (bring me checks)