Culminating Activity OBJECTIVE: To explore one or more concepts from our studies this year using the technology of TRADING CARDS
TRADING CARDS STEPS: 1.Choose any 10 people, events or objects from our study of World History 2.Use the sample template provided to create your cards. Cards may be computer-generated, or of the “cut-and- paste” fashion. Fill out each box in the cards. Each card must include the following items: Name Picture Unit Unit logo / Visual Representing the unit Three (3) facts Importance rating 3. Color your pictures and anything else that will make your cards look more realistic. 4. Cut out your trading card, fold along the middle, and tape the sides together.
Name of Person, Event or Object Picture of Person, Event or Object Name of Unit Create a Unit Logo Fact #1 about Person, Event or Object Fact #2 about Person, Event or Object Fact #3 about Person, Event or Object How important was this? ** Complete factual information by inserting textboxes ** ** Insert Clipart or Images to represent your topic ** ** You can change the background by using the Format tab Shape Fill Options **
How important was this? William Shakespeare Renaissance Shakespeare was buried in the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford- upon-Avon. He put a curse on anyone daring to move his body from that final resting place. Besides writing thirty-seven plays and composing one hundred and fifty-four sonnets, Shakespeare was also an actor who performed many of his own plays. The Globe Theatre burned down in 1613 after a canon was fired to announce the entrance of King Henry VIII. The canon fire ignited the thatched roof.
CATEGORY3210 Attractiveness & Organization The card has exceptionally attractive formatting and well- organized information. The formatting follows directions. The card has attractive formatting and well- organized information. The formatting mostly follows directions. The card has well- organized information. The formatting follows some directions. The card's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. The formatting fails to follow directions. Content - Accuracy All facts on the card are accurate % of the facts on the card are accurate % of the facts on the card are accurate. Fewer than 80% of the facts on the card are accurate. Content - Quantity & Relevance The sample card includes 3 relevant facts about the person, event or object that support the statement about the importance of the figure. The sample card includes 2 relevant facts about the person, event or object. The sample card includes 1 relevant facts about the person, event or object. The sample card includes no relevant facts about the person, event or object. Graphics/Pictures The graphic/portrait and name is on one side and the facts are on the other. The portrait is neatly centered and pasted to the card. The graphic/portrait and name is on one side and the facts are on the other. The graphic/portrait is not neatly centered and pasted to the card. The graphic/portrait is on the same side with the facts. No graphic/portrait is included or the wrong graphic/portrait is included. Importance The sample card clearly and concisely explains the importance of the historical figure (i.e., why did this person, event or object matter enough to be included in the history books when similar people were not). The sample card explains the importance of the historical figure but the explanation is unclear. The sample card attempts to explain the importance of the historical figure but the explanation is unsatisfactory (i.e., it misses the point). The sample card does not offer an explanation of the importance of the figure or only lists a single fact.