THE PEACOCK By : Bella Najarro
o Scientific name: Pavo Cristatus o Kingdom: Animalia o Phylum: Chordata o Class: Aves o Order: Galliformes o Family: Phasianidae o Genus: Pavo o Species: Pavo Cristatus Indian PeafowlGreen Peafowl Congo peafowl
o Size o Weight: 8.75 to 13 Ibs o Body length:30 to 50 inches o Lifespan: 20 years o Appearance o The Indian and Green peafowls have patches of skin and a feather made crest around their eyes in the shape of a fan. o It also has a crest that looks like dots on a stick o Pelage o W hen light is shown on the feathers, there are various colors seen. ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________
They usually live in places in southern Asia such as: India, Sri lanka, Java, and Myanmar (Burma).
o Peacocks are generally found above sea level because they like warm climate, open places, wood (trees), and places to cleanse themselves. ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Peacocks are somewhat, endangered because of hunting for the feathers and pesticides. Supposedly, there is a disease going around and quickly killing eight to ten birds a day. The disease starts at the throat. Then day by day a lump begins to grow and eventually burst. After this, a worm comes out from the busted lump and the peacock becomes blind and dies. ____________________________________________ ___________________________________
Females tend to choose their mate, based on his size and vibrant colors. When it comes time to breed, the male gives big and loud cries and begins to run toward the female. If she bends down, the mating will begin The females usually have about 3 to 6 eggs Each egg hatches 21 days apart from each other.
When taking care of the peachicks, the peahens always stay by their side Teach what wise food choices are How to eat Always walk around with their young Usually the female takes care of the Peachicks
The peafowl's usually live to at least 20 years. There isn't really a difference of longetivity between the males and females. If there was, the male would probably live longer, just because of their strength and size.
Peacocks do “not” act any different in any different seasons Nor do they hibernate either! They move to a different place if the temperature drops below 40 degrees. Or they go underneath bushes and trees.
For peacocks, they usually eat wheat, readers, pellets, and anything green.
Predators: Tigers, birds, and dogs Prey: Insects and snakes But those are not big threats to the conservation of the Peacock
Humans usually need to have a loving friendship because the peacocks are very delicate. Yes, the Peacocks are used by humans, they are used for their feathers Their feathers are used for: purses, jewelry, clothing, and more. If a Peacock is kept in Captivity, its most likely to live longer, just because it gets feed, and a safer environment.
According to Greek Mythology the peacock was a physical representation of Hera, Queen of the Gods. Peacocks were brought to Egypt by the Phoenicians about three thousand years ago. They are hunted for their flesh and adored by their beauty in colors, feathers, and the way they were built
Works Cited AvianwebLLC, July Web. 9 Apr CCSUSA. CarterIncorporationServiceInc., Web. 9 Apr The White Peacock. AwesomeInc., n.d. Web. 9 Apr