State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” Ukrainian experience with available National Nuclear Regulatory Portal (NNRP)-pilots GNSSN Workshop on National Nuclear Regulatory Portals July 2011, BMU, Bonn, Germany D.Fridman
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” National Nuclear Regulatory Portal (NNRP) – Ukraine was created as the Entry Page to the national network and presents an entry to the various fields of nuclear safety from the point of view of responsible authorities and expert organizations. It is also facilitate entry to information resources organizations carrying responsibility in the field of nuclear safety.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” Functions of the NNRP: the NNRP is on one hand a part of the global RegNet and on the other hand the Entry Page to the: -General Country Information; -Country Nuclear Regulatory Profile (CNRP); -National Networks; -Actual National Legislative Information: exchange information resources between mamber States and IAEA, including easier access to the restricted IAEA information resources; use NNRP for country purposes.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The NNRP-Ukraine was based on an uniform structure and administered by the country itself. The NNRP contain the Country Nuclear Regulatory Profile (CNRP) that includes the compiled information on the respective Ukrainian national radiation and nuclear facilities and activities as well as related regulatory infrastructure and practices. The architecture of the CNRP contains the following issues: Radiation and nuclear facilities and activities of Ukraine; Responsibilities and functions of the government; Global safety regime; Responsibilities and functions of the regulatory body; Other database content.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The Chapter 1 of CNRP Radiation and Nuclear Facilities and Activities gives an overview on the facilities and areas that need nuclear security and safety regulations by referring to already existing national websites, reports, profiles, etc.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” It includes 4 subchapters: Electricity Production from Nuclear Energy in Ukraine (general information and statistics about electricity production in Ukraine); Nuclear Power Plants in Ukraine (history of nuclear energy of Ukraine, information about NPPs in operation and decommissioning process, links to Ukrainian NPPs websites); Research Reactors (short information about research reactors in Ukraine); Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management (information about Uranium Mining and Milling; Spent Fuel Management; Radioactive Waste Management at Operating NPPs; Radioactive Waste Management at Chornobyl NPP and Shelter; Radioactive Waste Management in the Exclusion Zone; Radioactive Waste Management from Ionizing radiation Sources and Research Reactors).
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The structure for Chapters 2-4 is (Responsibilities and Functions of the Government, Global Safety Regime, Responsibilities and Functions of the Regulatory Body) is built according to IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment GSR Part 1 (Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for Safety).
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The information in Chapters 2-4 is given as follow: the text of the requirements GSR Part 1 in italic letter, after that links to available documents or short explanation how the requirements are met in Ukraine.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The content of the Chapter Regulatory Pyramid and Practices consists of regulatory documents (laws, ordinances, rules, guidelines, etc.). In 2008 SNRIU developed the Regulatory Pyramid of regulations and standards on nuclear and radiation safety. The Pyramid includes both high-level legislative documents (laws, international agreements), and lower level acts (Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers and the President of Ukraine, codes, standards, etc.). In the process of creation of the Regulatory Pyramid and Practices the Regulatory Pyramid developed by SNRIU was used.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The Pyramid consists of 5 levels: –Constitution of Ukraine; –International Conventions and Agreements. Laws of Ukraine; –Decrees of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; –Interdepartmental norms, rules and standards; –Internal or local instructions, rules and guides on nuclear and radiation safety.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” For each document in the Regulatory Pyramid were established active internal or external links to English or Ukrainian/Russian language sources.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” The content of the Chapter Review Mission includes: Page „IRRS Missions“ gives details about IRRS missions have been carried out in Ukraine. Page „OSART Missions“ contains short information on OSART missions and respective reports of OSART missions have been carried out in Ukraine.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” Event Reporting & Feedback The page Operational Experience Feedback gives information on the OEF in Ukraine. The objective of this part is to provide information about operational experience feedback system at a national level to assist member states in developing, implementing and managing operational experience programs. The Generic Safety Issues (GSI) database collects, assesses, and provides in-depth information regarding generic safety issues (GSI). The overall task of the database is the evaluation of reports, analyses, studies and expert assessments in countries concerning generic safety issues.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy”
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” General Country Information: archive of National CNS/JC Reports and Annual Reports on Nuclear and Radiation Safety in Ukraine; other subject information (geographic information, information from IAEA, etc.)
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” Links: links to the websites of responsible authorities and expert organizations in the field of nuclear and radiation safety.
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SE “Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy” Thank You for Attention!