students such as technology literacy, critical thinking, LONG-TERM GOAL : Employ 21st century approaches to become a more effective and efficient teacher to my students such as technology literacy, critical thinking, and collaboration.
SHORT-TERM GOALS : * Adopt the use of computer technology in the Classroom especially in presenting key points of the lesson; * Develop better questioning strategies that will motivate critical thinking among students especially in the listening and reading skills; * Promote collaborative learning among students to develop work efficiency in each other to complete assigned tasks faster.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND TASKS : Assign students to make an 5 minute presentation on any topic relevant to their course major using a multimedia presentation to apply the lesson on the 4 basic communication skills. 2. Design group activities that will promote collaborative learning among students.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND TASKS : Promote the use of PDRS (Planning, Doing, Reviewing, and Sharing) in the lesson for Speaking. Emphasize that other basic communication skills such as Listening (TQLR), Reading (SQ4R), and Writing (Stages in Writing) have a variation of this same principle. 4. Devised better question strategies that will further develop critical/higher order thinking among students.
SOLUTIONS TO ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES A. Students who do not want to work together. B. Students who are not actively participating in class discussions/ activities. C. Late enrollees and irregular students who start attendance after the first week of classes. SOLUTIONS A. At the start of every group activity, explain the rules that must be implemented and the importance of building camaraderie and developing good social skills. B. Ask them to choose one activity within the lesson that they can present and discuss in class.
SOLUTIONS TO ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES D. Students who don’t follow directions on the group activities especially for Foreign students. SOLUTIONS C. Assign the late enrollees to either group themselves together or join groups within the regular class who lack members. D. Attend to these students on a one-on-one basis and go over the directions that seem ambiguous to them.
TIME LINE I will work on creating collaborative groups or pairs. I will focus on Questioning skills NOVEMBER JANUARY MARCH DECEMBER FEBURARY I will focus on encouragement rather than praise I will adopt successfully adopt 21st teaching approaches in my classroom.
RESOURCES Colleagues who are more knowledgeable in using other multimedia presentation to enrich the lessons. Internet Word processing, multimedia, and spreadsheets. Intel®Teach Program Getting Started Course Manual
Let’s all move forward to Using more innovative THANK YOU AND Let’s all move forward to Using more innovative Techniques to make learning More fun and interesting!