September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment and Bathing Water Experts Workshop September.


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Presentation transcript:

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment and Bathing Water Experts Workshop September 15-17,2010 Istanbul, Turkey Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea Director - Inessa Loyeva Presentation by Richard Lisovky

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Summary The Centre has been established January 28, 1992 to provide scientific support of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection, utilization and renewal of natural resources of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and to ensure fulfilment of the international engagements of Ukraine that arise out of the signed conventions, treaties and agreements. In accordance with the Strategic Action Plan for Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea in 1993 the Centre has been accredited as the Regional Activity Centre for Pollution Monitoring and Assessment.

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Activities Regulation of the use of the Black and Azov Sea basin environment; Development of the use of the Black and Azov Sea basin environment. Scientific problems of ecological expertise; Monitoring of the environment; Development of information systems; Development and maintenance of data bases; International obligations in the sphere of environmental protection; Development of new methods and methodology of taking measurements.

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Data sources UkrSCES State marine ecological monitoring program Integrated Kerch strait ecological monitoring program Coastal monitoring program (UkrSCES) International monitoring program (Ukrainian part) Danube delta monitoring program (sea part)

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Proceeding activities 1.Create and maintain an on-line Regional Database on pollution and its impacts on the Black Sea ecosystem:  Created database structure  Filled out data for the Country, Sample type, Parameter group, Parameter, Quality, Unit, Biota type and Sediment type tables 1.Create and maintain an on-line Regional Database on pollution and its impacts on the Black Sea ecosystem:  Created database structure  Filled out data for the Country, Sample type, Parameter group, Parameter, Quality, Unit, Biota type and Sediment type tables 2.Organize easy access to the Regional Database on pollution:  The user interface for access to RDB is now developing 2.Organize easy access to the Regional Database on pollution:  The user interface for access to RDB is now developing 3. Organize Interactive Map Services (via www-access to UkrSCES Web Site):  Developed Interactive Cartographic Information System for accommodation of cartographic materials and environmental data based on open source UMN Mapserver software 3. Organize Interactive Map Services (via www-access to UkrSCES Web Site):  Developed Interactive Cartographic Information System for accommodation of cartographic materials and environmental data based on open source UMN Mapserver software

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group UkrSCES resources

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group UkrSCES Interactive service BSIMAP

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group  PHP-Mapscript  MySQL  UMN Mapserver  Chameleon framework Input data for the maps formation may be provided as coordinates and the styles of points drawing, lines, polygons, stored in a database, and the sets shape files. Input information can be also provided as remote WMS layers, as well as have a raster format. About Mapserver

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group About Mapserver Client side Web browser Vector & Raster Data

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Shapes and Raster data Chameleon Framework Mapserver CGI/PHP Web server instance Widgets session Dynamic Nav. tools MAP HTML/PHP MAP Mapfile configuration Client side Server side About Mapserver MySQL Spatial DB

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Developed web-application (beta)

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Layer’s metadata (ISO 19115) Layer’s description Resource hyperlink Developed web-application (beta)

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Regional Database (vocabulary) SDN Analysis Code – SDN codes table, which contain analysis methods from L053 Sea Data Net vocabulary. Sample Method - table, which contain list of instruments from L051 Sea Data Net vocabulary. UNEP Analysis Code – UNEP analysis codes table. Quality – table, which contain list of quality flags from L201 Sea Data Net vocabulary. Sample Type, Parameter Group, Parameter, Unit, Biota Type, Sediment Type, Country – vocabulary tables with data from PMA report.

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Regional Database

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Data input process Data approve Data input Data check-out QC maintenance is performed for data input control from errors and misprints based on a human or technical factor Regional Data ProviderRegional Data Holder United DB Regional DB Correction message

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group RDB site scheme (demo)

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Data processing example on one station with several horizons

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Example of data processing of several stations of one of the cruises

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Time and spatial distribution of stations

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group

September 15-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey 20 th Meeting of the Advisory Group Thank you for your attention! for more information visit our web-site