Construction of Unguri-Bronitsa border crossing point and access roads from Ukraine and Moldova
Project location
Existing BC Point Proposed BC Point MOLDOVA UKRAINE
Regional Criteria Network description Currently the BC Otaci-Mogilev-Podolsk is the main operational border crossing point in the North-East direction. It is the only BC in the north where taxable goods are allowed to pass. There are a number of constraints for the full and efficient operation of the BC which limits further development and its capacity. Taking into consideration these problems it is proposed to develop the project for construction of another border crossing point Unguri-Bronitsa and the access roads from both countries Moldova and Ukraine.
Regional Criteria The interconnection with the fluvial transport on the Nistru river is possible. Proposed BC is situated on the E583 European Road Roman-Iasi-Balti-M.Podolsk-Jitomir and therefore interconnects three countries Moldova, Ukraine and Romania. It will increase the capacity of the BC, will decrease the border crossing time. This will contribute to redirecting the traffic from other border crossing points to Unguri- Bronitsa. The proposed project will allow oppening of the bridge for cars. At the moment it is used only for pedestrians and cyclists.
Economic Criteria A feasibility study for Unguri-Bronitsa developed in 2003, funded by EU. Estimated project repayment time 8.6 years Forecast years - 20 Investment costs m Euro according to the 2003 FS. It is necessary to update the Feasibility study. Estimated updated costs 31.6 m Euro. Estimated running costs 3.75 m Euro Economic Internal Rate of Return 19.9% discount rate 15%
Technical Criteria The proposed project represents new construction of border crossing facilities and modernization and extension of access roads from Moldova and Ukraine. -Access road in Moldova – 7.6 km; -Access road in Ucraine – km.
Technical Criteria Safety Implementation of the proposed project will result in decrease of road accidents and the consequential deaths and injuries due the international traffic will be relieved from local traffic.
Technical Criteria Travel time savings ScenarioVehicle tipeProcessing time (hours) Time savings Do minimumCar0.25 Bus0.75 Truck2.0 With investmentCar % Bus0.550% Truck %
Environmental Criteria Pollution The envinronmental impact on the ambient air is considered high. Noise The impact of the project regrding noise nuisance during the traffic flow is considered high Energy consumption Project implementation will lead to energy consumption decrease due the shorter travel distance and shorter processing time on border. Diversion from sensible areas (living areas, preserving natural resources, others) The project will avoid queues within residential areas. Impact on soils, fauna, flora and vegetation, is considered low. Impact on ground and surface water is considered medium.
Political Criteria When to start? Government Support Dependance on other step/project The project has strong commitement from Government of Republic of Moldova towards development of the Unguri- Bronitsa BC. In 2014, with the support Millenium Challenge Corporation is planned to rehabilitate the National road Chisinau-Soroca which will direct the international traffic in nortern direction. Also it is proposed to include this route in TRACECA road routes.