The Ukrainian Uprising By: Mackenzie, Nicole, and Kassy
Table of Contents Background Description Who, What, When, Where, Why Long Lasting Impact and Direction of Future Evens Helps us Understand the History of a nation Resulted in Dramatic Changes in People’s Lives
Background -Majorly divided into 2 regions after the dissolution of USSR in Poor economic decisions have Ukraine facing a political crisis through protest’s and riots killing more than 77 innocent lives. -Poor economic state with high debt and small national economic reserves. -National government faces troubles meeting the basic requirements of the nation -the EU and Russian Federation are interested in the Ukraine because of their resources. -Russian president offered economic lifeline in Ukraine with $15 billion loan to revive the economy, while the EU long awaited the proposal to the Ukraine to join their Union. -Former president Yanukovych called off this proposal showing his dedication to Russia – causing enormous protests at Independence Square. -Ukrainian parliament then implanted an anti-protest law causing few killings and hundreds injured, protests spread throughout Ukraine "BBC NEWS: UKRAINE TIMELINE.". N.p.. Web. 5 Mar
The Ukraine in 60 Seconds
Who? Started off between the Ukrainean people and their president Viktor Yanukovich. President requested that the Russian military move into Ukraine. Ukraine is not a member of NATO US and Europe are not obligated to interfere. US and Europe are not obligated to interfere.
What? Political Crisis Protest Started turning into a riot, Death toll has counted to 26 people dead.
When Uprising began in early November 2013 Protests begin late November December: Turning Kiev City Hall into a “tent city” February 2014: Kiev sees worst day of violence in 70+ years March 2014: Present/Current "BBC NEWS: UKRAINE TIMELINE.". N.p.. Web. 5 Mar
Where? Ukraine Western: anti-government protesters Eastern: Supporters of their Capital 100 meters between the two UKRAINE. N.p.. Web. 5 Mar analysis-two-nations
Why? Decision of neglecting to sign a deal to strengthen the relations between EU and Ukraine. Ukrainians fed up with their corrupt government Inability to give their people what they want. Not being able to express their opinions freely "Ukraine." Global Issues in Context Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, Global Issues In Context. Web. 4 Mar
Aspects of Historical Significance A Defining Moment…
Lasting Impact/Changed the Future Direction of Events The Orange Revolution: Was a series of protests, strikes and other actions of civil disobedience in Ukraine during November and December 2004 presidential election. The movement was organized by supporters of Viktor Yuschenko and assailants of Viktor Yanukovich, main candidates and opponents in Ukrainian presidential elections.
About the Revolution Between Pro-Western, Pro-Russian Millions Protested Tampered Election- Yuschenko declared winner Orange- United the Ukrainian Revolutionaries COMPARISON TO ORANGE REVOLUTION. N.p.. Web. 5 Mar orange-revolution/ html
Lasting Impact/Changed the Future Direction of Events Largest Protest Since the Orange Revolution Orange Revolution – Formed democracy Shifted from political despair to hope However… Not all problems were solved Divided society Lead to the current Ukraine Crisis
Helps us Understand the History of a Nation
History of a Nation Battle field for all Surrounding Countries Leaders have changed Ukraine economically, culturally, and politically Controlled by several other Countries Close ties with Russia "Ukraine." Global Issues in Context Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, Global Issues In Context. Web. 4 Mar
History of a Nation Dominated for Centuries Stalin starved 10 million Ukrainian's East Ukraine Populated with Russians East Ukraine Under Russia West Ukraine Under Poland 27/article /Ukrainians-only-seeking-fairness/1
Resulted in Dramatic Changes in People’s Lives Protesters beaten and Killed by Police Children Killed Civil War Countries Came Closer Forever Changed Bittersweet- feelings/ Mixed Emotions aggression-vs-movement-of-the-squares/
Biblography "BBC NEWS: UKRAINE TIMELINE.". N.p.. Web. 5 Mar UKRAINE. N.p.. Web. 5 Mar analysis-two-nations "Ukraine." Global Issues in Context Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, Global Issues In Context. Web. 4 Mar /article /Ukrainians-only-seeking-fairness/1 27/article /Ukrainians-only-seeking-fairness/1 aggression-vs-movement-of-the-squares/