Section 4: General surgery
Rate of deep vein thrombosis / pulmonary embolism within 90 days of admission to general surgery
Rate of emergency readmission to a medical specialty within 28 days of discharge from general surgery
Rate of emergency readmission to a surgical specialty within 28 days of discharge from general surgery
Volume of elective thyroidectomy procedures
Post-operative average length of stay following rectal cancer surgery (for all surgical specialties)
Volume of total gastrectomy / oesophagectomy procedures
Post operative average length of stay following bariatric surgery (gastric band / gastric bypass / sleeve gastrectomy)
Section 5: Vascular surgery
Volume of elective aortic aneurysm procedures
Volume of non-elective aortic aneurysm procedures
Section 6: Orthopaedic surgery
Rate of emergency readmission within 28 days of discharge from orthopaedic surgery
Volume of procedures for supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children under 16 years
Volume of lumbar prolapsed disc / lumbar decompression procedures
Post operative average length of stay following a procedure for ankle fracture
Volume of arthroscopy procedures for patients under 50 years of age
Volume of arthroscopy procedures for patients aged 50 years and over
Section 8: Urology
Post operative average length of stay following transurethral prostatectomy for benign disease
Section 9: Gynaecology
Post operative average length of stay following abdominal hysterectomy for women aged years
Volume of tension-free vaginal tape procedures for women aged 20 years and over
Volume of terminations for females aged years
Percentage of terminations performed surgically for females aged years and gestation 0-9 weeks
Percentage of terminations performed surgically for females aged years and gestation weeks
Section 10: ENT surgery
Rate of emergency admission for epistaxis where a procedure is performed
Volume of septoplasty procedures
Volume of endolaryngoscopy procedures
Volume of myringoplasty procedures
Volume of tonsillectomy procedures