Transport Management An overview of Pain & Cure for Transport Management System
Features :- All Vehicles operating in the fleet. Drivers assigned to the fleet and their Monthly Salary and accounting associated. Source and Destination and distance between them Measurement units for Goods being transported Receiving and Delivery Party Details and Accounting associated Fuel price and consideration for periodic variation in fuel price Documentation need for each vehicle/driver such as insurance expiry, driver’s license expiry, Fitness, Tax due dates etc. Accounting for other parties such as Fuel Pump, Loading/Unloading expenses, Vehicle Maintenance etc..
Few Salient Features of Solution Solution Generates Auto Journal Entries for Fuel Consumption, Fuel Pump Accounts, Freight charges for Parties and Running expenses such as Advance by Driver, his daily allowance account etc. Freight Due Report for Truck Number/Driver/Party. Freight charge report for Trip/Weight/Qty. Performance report for Vehicle/Driver/Trip/Destinations. Report for each Vehicles Running Vs fuel consumption. Multiple reports/multiple formats generation as per need of business such as driver-wise/vehicle-wise etc.
Few Salient Features of Solution Solution Provides Capabilities / Features to Multi-trip Facility wherein Vehicle returns to base post multiple deliveries in between and system maintains details of freight received/distance travelled/fuel consumed/time taken for complete duration to give clear picture of trip’s performance. Group creation based on Vehicle category and generation of reports accordingly. Integration with Tally’s Accounting feature to maintain accounts details for each trip/vehicle/driver etc. Solution Built on Tally.ERP9 as platform so solution integrates tightly with accounting of business and helps to automatically correlate various interlinked parameters and results in accurate report generation.
Screen Shorts Trip Slip Entry Screen shot :
Reports A. Diesel Consumption Report B. Freight Receivable Report C. Freight Payable Report D. Bill Summary