Watson Academy Comprehensive Program Review July 31,
Mental Health First Aid – new training implemented 1/1/15. It focuses on risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help. As of 6/12/15, 50% of all SJS staff trained in MHFA. Operation Integrate New Life Skills Coordinator (Karen Distefano) HIGHLIGHTS 2
Life Skills Classes Obtaining funding from diverse sources Training: sign ups, scheduling 3
STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Staff Retention Rates Staff Training Hours 4
STAFF TURNOVER & RETENTION RATES (December 2014 – May 2015) Last CPR, WA staff turnover was 0% compared to SJS’s 38.6% 5 Information obtained from HR Staff Turnover & Retention Reports
Current CPR: Staff Training 12/1/14 – 5/31/15 TrainingE Learning Total Watson Academy Last CPR: Staff Training 12/1/13 – 5/31/14 TrainingE Learning Total Watson Academy Data obtained from HR Reports & from Watson Academy
TRAININGS Boundaries, and Diversity: Cultural Diversity, and Boundaries Case Management 101: Introduction for new case managers Crisis Prevention and Personal Safety: Basic crisis intervention techniques CPR/First Aid/AED: Universal Precautions, CPR, Basic First Aid, First Aid, AIDS in the Workplace EPICS Overview : Introduction to Effective Practices in Community Correctional settings and how we use it within SJSD EPICS Coaching Sessions: Monthly EPICS training sessions for case managers where different modules are reviewed to keep EPICS on the forefront at the SJS programs Group Facilitation/Train the Trainer: Skills for staff who are facilitating groups Information obtained from Watson Academy 7
TRAININGS Report Writing: CDC Report Writing/Report Writing Sexual Misconduct Prevention (PREA): Staff Integrity and Ethics, Prevention, Identifying handling of Sexual Abuse and Assault, Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills Substance Abuse: Substance Abuse Awareness; Suicide Prevention: Signs of Suicide and Suicide Prevention Treatment Culture: Staff Integrity and Ethics, Crisis Intervention, Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills, Standards of Conduct, Counseling Techniques Mental Health First AID: risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help Information obtained from Watson Academy 8
TRAINERS December 2014 – May 2015 Thanks to the following individuals for facilitating trainings : Maria Alexson, Manager of Employee Relations/Training & Development Treatment Culture and Philosophy Training Joseph Jarvis, Program Administrator of Coolidge House CPI and Personal Safety Training Lauren Gablinske, LICSW, Samaritans, Inc. Suicide Prevention Training Magdalana Grace Siegel, LADCL Substance Abuse Maura Weir, M.A. Mental Health First Aid Information obtained from Watson Academy 9
TRAININGS CONDUCTED AND STAFF PARTICIPATION December 2014 – May 2015 Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations From December 2014 – May 2015, Watson Academy conducted 40 trainings serving 289 staff; Last CPR, Watson Academy conducted 40 trainings and served 213 staff (Dec – May 2014) 10
TRAININGS CONDUCTED AND STAFF PARTICIPATION December 2014 – May 2015 Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations 11
LIFE SKILLS GROUPS December 2014 – May 2015 Information obtained from Watson Academy Monthly Reports Last CPR, a total of 124 sessions were conducted serving 470 SJS residents. 12 The Life Skills Coordinator position (LSC) was vacant since November A new LSC joined WA on 5/4/15. The Life Skills Groups will resume in June 2015.
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 133 Evaluations : December 2014 – May 2015 Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Last CPR (120 Evaluations): (December 2013 – May 2014) Superior =44% Above Average = 44% Average = 12% Below Average = 0% Fair 0% Last CPR (170 Evaluations): (December 2013 – May 2014) Strongly Agree= 87% Agree = 13% Disagree = 0% No Opinion = 1% 13
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 133 Evaluations – December 2014 to May 2015 Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Last CPR, 170 Evaluations (August 2012 – January 2013) Knowledge PRIOR to the training: 36% High and 42% Medium Knowledge AFTER the training: 90% High and 10% Medium 14
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 133 Evaluations: December 2014 – May 2015 Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Last CPR, 120 Evaluations (December 2013 – May 2014): The material presented was clear and easy to see: SA: 86%A: 14%N.O. = 0D: 0 Training started on time:SA: 80%A: 20%N.O. = 0D: 0 There was sufficient time to have questions answered: SA: 86%A: 14%N.O. = 0 D: 0 15
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 133 Evaluations December 2014 – May 2015 STAFF COMMENTS: I really liked this aspect of the training Boundaries/Diversity/PREA Trainings: “The open discussion; felt comfortable in talking about issues" "The knowledge of the trainer on the subject" "Interactive role playing w/NIC website" "It was very interactive and interesting" CPI & Personal Safety: “He has a great understanding of the topic & demonstrates the techniques well" "He did a great job teaching the class" “Very informative & kept everyone interested.” First Aid/CPR/AED Trainings: "Hands on experience“; "Practicing/hands on CPR/First Aid and AED” "Very informative and facilitator didn't rush through answering all questions" 16
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 133 Evaluations December 2014 – May 2015 STAFF COMMENTS: I really liked this aspect of the training Report Writing Trainings: "The instructor and Maria acted out an incident. It was great. It allowed us to write practice incident reports with information from the simulated incident" "The group talked about different issues and how these programs handle it” "Getting to write a sample incident report" Other Comments: "I really enjoyed the training“ "We were always encouraged to speak our opinions” “Great training – thank you Marcy” 17
Harvard Tutoring Programs December 2014 – May 2015 PHBA tutors on winter hiatus in January Last CPR, a total of 21 sessions were conducted and served 29 clients. Information obtained from Watson Academy Monthly Reports 18
ISSUE: Posting the WA training schedule on the CRJ web page/larger CRJ audience COMMENTS:Various trainings offered throughout CRJ and no central location to disseminate information IMPROVEMENTS MADE: WA refined the basic two-week training for SJS. Calendar submitted to SJS. Location/time/space constraints limit the ability to expand trainings to all of CRJ. With video conferencing, some trainings (i.e. Boundaries/Diversity PREA) may be provided to a larger audience – First Aid/CPR/AED require hands on teaching. ISSUE: Update the PREA curriculum COMMENTS:Recent PREA revisions require that training to be updated IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Curriculum revisions made. Marcy updated the PREA training offered, incorporating new materials from NIC’s National PREA Resource Center. Final revisions completed September The updated WA training on PREA now includes an interactive lab and a review of the policy. During the recent Horizon House PREA audit, the revised materials ‘passed’. ISSUE: Funding for Watson Academy – Advancement Department needs to create a concept summary COMMENTS: Gayle will help write concept with Paul Swindlehurst IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Gayle left position 19
20 Proposed ObjectiveProposed Timeline With help of Operation Integrate Staff Development Committee, update training calendar, work on consistency of staff at trainings December 2015 Start sending calendar to all SJS staff so they can be a part of their training and development Start with August 2015 trainings CQI Pilot Project, Centralized Training Database: develop a calendar through the end of Dec and every six months thereafter October 1, 2015