EEE2243 Digital System Design Chapter 3: Verilog HDL (Combinational) by Muhazam Mustapha, January 2011
Learning Outcome By the end of this chapter, students are expected to be able to: –Quartus II –Verilog
Chapter Content Why HDL? Verilog Boolean Equation Modeling Behavior Modeling
Why HDL?
Hardware Description Language A drawing of a circuit, or schematic, contains graphical information about a design –Inverter is above the OR gate, AND gate is to the right, etc. Such graphical information may not be useful for large designs Can use textual language instead DoorOpener c h p f Vahid Slide
Hardware Description Language Hardware description language (HDL) –Intended to describe circuits textually, for a computer to read –Evolved starting in the 1970s and 1980s Popular languages today include: –VHDL –Defined in 1980s by U.S. military; Ada-like language –Verilog –Defined in 1980s by a company; C-like language –SystemC –Defined in 2000s by several companies; consists of libraries in C++ Vahid Slide
General Structure Mohamed Khalil Hani module module_name(ports) { parameter declaration } input port_list; output port_list; wire list; reg (or integer) list; { assign continuous_statement; } { initial block; } { always block; } { gate instantiations; } { module instantiations; } endmodule
General Structure module CircuitA(Cin, x, y, X, Y, Cout, s, Bus, S) input Cin, x, y; input [3:0] X, Y; output Cout, s; output [3:0] S; inout [7:0] Bus; wire d; reg e;... endmodule Mohamed Khalil Hani Example:
Format: Constant Representation Mohamed Khalil Hani ’ 8 bit binary: 8’b bit hex: 12’habc 7 bit decimal: 7’d50 Negative 5 bit binary: -5’b01010 Negative 8 bit hex: -8’h8c Example: Negative numbers are internally represented as 2’s complement, but in the code we just use signed magnitude:
High-Z output is represented as z Undefined output is represented as x Constant Representation Mohamed Khalil Hani 8 bit binary with 4 bit z: 8’bzzzz bit binary with 4 bit x: 8’b1010xxxx
Operators Mohamed Khalil Hani Operator TypeOperator Symbol Operation Bitwise ~, &, |, ^, ~^ not, and, or, xor, xnor Logical !, &&, || not, and, or Arithmetic +, -, *, / add, sub, mul, div Relational >, =, <= gt, lt, gt or eq, lt or eq Equality ==, !=, ===, !== eq, not eq, case eq, case not eq Shift >>, >>, <<< unsigned rs, unsigned ls, signed rs, signed ls Concatenation {, } Conditional ? :
Modeling Style There are 3 coding styles in Verilog Boolean Equation –Done by writing Verilog version of Boolean equation to define output Behavioral –Done by writing the output arithmetical definition instead of the direct Boolean equation Structural –Done writing Verilog in multiple modules We will first cover Boolean equation and Behavioral Mohamed Khalil Hani
Boolean Equation Modeling
assign Keyword The pure Boolean combinational style modeling is signified by the use of assign keyword Mohamed Khalil Hani module functionA(x1, x2, x3, f); input x1, x2, x3; output f; assign f = (~x1 & ~x2 & x3) | (x1 & ~x2 & ~x3) | (x1 & ~x2 & x3) | (x1 & x2 & ~x3); endmodule Logic Function x1 x2 x3 f
Example – AND Gate module ANDGate(x, y, f); input x, y; output f; assign f = x & y; endmodule y f Quartus II version 9 Demo x
Example – Boolean Half Adder Mohamed Khalil Hani module HalfAdder(a, b, sum, carry); input a, b; output sum, carry; assign sum = a ^ b; assign carry = a & b; endmodule x1 x2 sum carry Quartus II version 9 Demo
Behavior Modeling
always Keyword The behavioral style modeling is signified by the use of always keyword Many C-like keywords can also be used For a complex design, behavioral style is more favorable Mohamed Khalil Hani module ORGate(x, y, f); input x, y; output f; reg f; or y) begin if (x == 0) && (y == 0) f = 0; else f = 1; end endmodule Also read Vahid pg 496
Example – Behavioral Half Adder module HalfAdder(a, b, sum_carry); input a, b; output [1:0] sum_carry; reg [1:0] sum_carry; or b) begin sum_carry = a + b; end endmodule Quartus II version 9 Demo