Federal Geographic Data Committee October 2, 2001 John Blumenthal Bureau of Labor Statistics Suite Massachusetts Ave, N.E. Washington, D.C The ES-202 Employment and Wages Program at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Rick Clayton (202) John Blumenthal (202)
ES-202 Universe Frame y 8 million reporting businesses y Quarterly reporting y Units, employment, wages y Industry detail; 4-digit SIC\6-digit NAICS y Geographic detail; U.S., States, MSA, County, (zip code, physical location addresses)
Uses of ES-202, Covered Employment and Wages Data
Geocoding zPotential uses of geocoded physical location addresses yLocal transportation planning yCrime planning yEnvironmental assessments yDisaster planning yLand use yAny study requiring flexible boundaries yConfidentiality Issues
FGDC & ES-202 z Aid in geocoding z Understanding federal guidelines z Interested users z Confidentiality issues