The Youth Opportunity Divide in the San Diego Region {Presenter} {Organization} {San Diego} {Date}
Education pays in the San Diego region Earnings premium over high school diploma alone, San Diego MSA, 2011 Source: Brookings analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data
San Diego is a highly educated region overall Share of 25+ population with bachelor’s degree, 2011 Source: Brookings analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data San Diego Rank (among 100 metro areas) 22 San Diego MSA United States
About two-thirds of San Diego’s highly educated residents are from outside California Birthplace of Bachelor’s Degree Holders, San Diego MSA, 2011 Share of residents with Bachelor’s Degree by Birthplace, San Diego MSA, 2011 San Diego’s in-migrants are more highly educated than its CA-born residents
San Diego’s young adults are less highly educated than those elsewhere Share of 18 to 24 year-olds with bachelor’s degree, San Diego MSA versus metro average, 2011 Source: Brookings analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data San Diego Rank (among 100 metro areas) 65
And the San Diego region also has a significant population of “disconnected youth” Attainment/enrollment status, 16 to 24 year-olds, San Diego MSA, 2011 Employment status of less educated, not enrolled youth, San Diego MSA, 2011
This indicates San Diego’s large underlying disparities in educational attainment by race/ethnicity Share of population with bachelor’s degree by race/ethnicity, San Diego MSA, Source: Brookings analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data
These, in turn, reflect poverty by race and ethnicity in the San Diego region Share of population in poverty by race/ethnicity, San Diego MSA, Source: Brookings analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data
The San Diego region’s job openings demand relatively high levels of educational attainment Share of job openings requiring, and adults possessing, bachelor’s degree, San Diego MSA, 2011 Source: Brookings analysis of Help Wanted Online and U.S. Census Bureau data San Diego Rank (among 100 metro areas) 15
About one-fourth of San Diego’s jobs are in STEM-focused fields Share of jobs with above-average STEM content, 2011 Source: Brookings analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data San Diego Rank (among 100 metro areas) 18 San Diego MSA All MSAs Average STEM content score for all jobs
San Diego’s jobs are slightly above-average in every aspect of STEM content Share of jobs with high science, computer, engineering, or math content, 2011 Source: Brookings analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data All Metros San Diego
Many STEM job opportunities do exist for young people with less than a bachelor’s degree Share of STEM jobs by typical degree requirements, San Diego MSA, 2011 Most common STEM job openings not typically requiring bachelor’s degree, San Diego MSA, 2011 Occupation Openings (2011) General and Operations Managers2,000 Machinists1,200 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses1,100 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers1,100 Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products1,000 Electricians700