Promoting STEM in Gloucestershire schools Simon Kettle : STEMworks
A selection of National initiatives STEMNET ( ) STEM directories ( ) STEMPOINTS SEA’s ambassadors ( ) Science Learning Centres ( ) Bringing together of national STEM schemes National and regional celebration events ( )
The Gloucestershire Context 242 primary schools 42 secondary's University of Gloucestershire offers a limited number of STEM courses. Engineering training providers are located in Gloucester. Profile showing aging workforce Numbers of schools offering engineering or hard edge technology courses is decreasing while demand is increasing.
400+ Volunteers from business across Gloucestershire Talks – engineers explaining how they use science and maths in their jobs. Cover health & Safety and Standards issues Ambassadors Competitions e.g Flying start – regular school visits explaining principles of flight Experts at debates, e.g. Energy – renewable / non-renewable energy. Careers Advice and support
Ambassador from Formflow a SME in Cheltenham. School : Christ’s College Cheltenham. Company want to recruit appentices School wanted help with 21 st Century science course. Ambassador spoke to three groups of year 11 students about British standards, H/S and his role as a Scientist. STEM Ambassadors
Primary schools Knex and primary challenge Science or D/T practical project days. Computer control, KS2 revision, hire of equipment DATA logging with staff or pupils. Teacher inset.
STEM support in Secondary schools Enterprise and Business Challenge days Science or Engineering focused project days. Ambassadors support STEM subjects. CREST awards. Support for Diplomas