We trek and trek...
Where is the destination?
Sunset trek...
Heaven above and clouds below
English Lesson 1
Let me show you how to draw the flag of Nepal.
You think he understands ?
caught you...
Where are all the kids ?
Outdoor games
We are having fun too
What a relieve to give away the CIP packages
But we were unwilling to part with the balls.
From the bottom of our heart we thank you...
... for your lessons, gifts and company.
one day we will build a school
Paint the school ??? Colour ?
How ??? Just do it.
Like this... as a painter
showing off our nepalese handwriting
Let me inspect your work...
Lets plant a tree and save the Earth. I need a hole... and a seedling
You need tender loving care
One day it will grow taller than me.
Who pitched the tents for us?
Reaching out to heaven
Return to ashes...
Streets of Katmandu
Nicest people on Earth
We are above the clouds