FedWeb2001 Dagne Fulcher, IT Workforce Improvement U.S. Department of the Treasury Charting Your Career Course.


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Presentation transcript:

FedWeb2001 Dagne Fulcher, IT Workforce Improvement U.S. Department of the Treasury Charting Your Career Course

% Employment Growth for Systems Analysts, Computer Engineers and Computer Scientist JobsVS. 12% Employment Growth for All Jobs! (U.S. Department of Commerce ) IT Job Growth Has Been Strong

The Market is Hot Four Fastest Growing Jobs in the U.S (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

1,501 1, , ,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3, (in thousands) New jobs Net replacements 1996 base year employment } Job Openings Due to Growth and Net Replacements America Will Need 1.3 Million New Core IT Workers by 2006 (U.S. Department of Commerce)

The Skill Set is Changing Fewer Unique Custom Applications More HW/SW Platform Consistency Allegiance to Technical Specialty vs. Employer Equals = Greater Opportunity for Movement

A Challenge to Federal IT Workforce Stability ,660 34,345 32,315 4, New Jobs Net Replacements Base Employment (U.S. Office of Personnel Management)

The Treasury Department Workforce Picture 1999 Average IT Employee is % of IT Staff and 45% of Top Mgmt. Eligible for Retirement within 5 years External Hires Down from 2 in 3 to 1 in 8 Turnover Rate = 6 to 9%

The Treasury Department Workforce Picture 2000 Average Age Increased from 44+ to 45+ IT Workforce Grew 5 Times Faster than the Overall Treasury Workforce (10/98- 12/99) 70% of IT Workforce Growth from Employees Over 50 77% of Hires from within the Federal Workforce

Meeting the Federal IT Workforce Challenge Federal CIO Council Established IT Workforce Committee Federal IT Workforce Challenge Study Initiated

Meeting the Federal IT Workforce Challenge Report Issued July Implementation Plan - September

The Workforce Challenge: The Federal CIO Council HARVEST: An effective and efficient IT workforce supporting the working mission SUSTAINING GROWTH: OPM/CIO partnering…specific pay/occupational standards FERTILIZING THE FIELD: CIO University/STAR Upgrade of IT skills/Best Practices Knowledge Management Government Industry Exchange SEEDING THE FIELD: Limited critical need hire authority Recruitment from non-traditional labor pool Scholarship/intern program to promising IT students Pay and Occupational restructuring FARMING: Establish continuing workforce planning PLOWING THE FIELD: Info/outreach campaign to encourage IT careers IT Career Academy/HS Federal participation in skills alliances Federal Cyber Service Enriching the IM/IT Value Chain

Modernizing the Structure of Federal IT Jobs Description: Create IT job categories that better correspond to private sector jobs by having clearer announcements, competency based recruiting, better measures of hot skills areas, and getting managers involved in recruitment. Approach: Pilot Study Status: Study Underway Target Date: Spring 2001

Status: Modernizing the Structure of Federal IT Jobs (cont’d) Description: Create job classification standards that reward technical proficiency by allowing more non-supervisors to rise in rank, and reward technical talent Approach: OPM Survey of Agencies Status: Draft Standards Published Target Date: Spring 2001

Pay Federal IT Workers Competitive Rates Description: OPM Special Rate Study – Works within current general schedule structure to research establishing special rate schedules for categories of IT workers. Approach: Survey of All Federal Agencies Status: Implemented Date: January 14, 2001

Pay Federal IT Workers Competitive Rates (cont’d) Description: Comparative IT Pay System Study – National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) will be making recommendations on how the government can best compete for IT talent. Approach: Non-Partisan Independent Study Status: Contract Awarded - Work Underway Target Date: Summer 2001

Improve Workforce Planning Description: Anticipate workforce talent drain and provide tools and techniques for workforce planning Goal: Provide Model and System for Government-wide use by September 30, 2002 Approach: Development of Workforce Tools for Agencies Status: SAS Developing Tools for OPM Target Date: Sept 2002

Improve Recruitment Strategies Description: Encourage use of existing hiring flexibilities, such as: Recruitment and retention bonuses: Broaden recruitment efforts to all qualified candidates Encourage student intern and co-op programs -- partnership with the National Academy Foundation Promote the CIAO Cyber Service Initiative Approach: Council Publicity and Encouragement Status: Ongoing

Focus on Career Development Description: Support implementation of Executive Order to upgrade the IT skills of the current workforce, by: Promoting upgrading skills through increase use of training technology (E.O ) Promoting “Road Maps” which motivates employees by describing the road to advancement Supporting STAR and CIO University efforts Approach: Formal Training and Information Sharing Status: STAR and CIO U Underway -- Agencies Sharing Information of Development Strategies

Develop a “Road Map” Description: The “road map” project will allow Federal workers to plot a course toward proficiency in the Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies Timeline: Spring Draft initial road map components Summer Develop final Road map components Project Status: Evaluation of current approaches by agencies

IT Executive Exchange Objective: Establish an Executive Order to authorize agencies to exchange their best and brightest IT executives for developmental assignments in the private sector and vice versa Target audience: Current and future IT execs at the SES/ GS-15 levels Status: Proposed regulations in draft

Chief Information Officers University (CIO U) Description: Virtual university for executive development in the Federal CIO Core Competencies Goal: Successful Federal IT leadership and mission delivery Target audience: SES & Senior IT employees (including CIOs), executives, and managers aspiring to CIO positions

CIO U Inaugural Graduation Vice President Gore signed the CIO U Certificates for graduation held July 12, graduates so far URL:

Gsa’s STAR Program GSA and the Federal IT Workforce Committee initiated the STAR Program - Strategic and Tactical Advocates for Results Resident Seminar Program for GS-14’s & 15’s, field 13’s or comparable military rank URL:

Resources: GSA:CIO University, STAR Program, 1000 X 2000 Program: National Defense University’s IRM College: Council for Excellence in Government: New E-Gov Fellows Program: OPM’s USA JOBS: FirstGov - Learning and Jobs: Department of Commerce website: