Stirling Engine Design Team: Do Mike Ortiz Jesus Villanueva Harvey Vazquez Steven Castellanos Nick Cruz East Los Angeles College General Engineering 101 Professor Artin Davidian
Brief History Created and patented by Robert Stirling (1790-1878) Invented stirling engine in 1816 which could not explode and produce more power. First patented Sterling Engine called “Economizer”
What is a Stirling Engine Device that converts heat energy to mechanical power by alternately compressing and expanding a fixed quantity of working fluid at different temperatures.
Environmental Flexible with all sources of energy Solar energy Hydro energy
Pros Heating source is external The pressure in a sterling engine is very consistent There is no required air source , the method for heating is very flexible So the sterling engine does not require an open flame heat source, but any source of heat from nuclear to solar heat. This leads the sterling engine to be fairly flexible. and because of this, the engine can be designed to the specific pressure which intern reduces the chance of an explosion that was faced with the steam engines of the time. An additional benefit is that a sterling engine can be built to be quiet further aiding the use in submarines. If a sterling engine is being used to pump water, the water can be used as a coolant and in the process, make a more efficient process. With a continuous heat source, emissions are more readably controllable which leads to better emissions. a sterling engine is ideal is applications such as submarine and in space.
Cons Heating source is external Gas is contained with in the engine Current methods for cooling the engine requires time to warm up before any power can be produced. Because of this, the cost material used would increase the cost and the cost of maintenance would increase the overall cost of the engine. the engine itself must be able to resist the temperature and the corrosion. To get the most out of a sterling engine, the temperature difference must be as large as possible. Because of this, the cooling fins on a sterling engine could be quite large and improbable in particular applications. This is a leading factor to why sterling engines are not used in airplanes or automobiles.
The Stirling Cycle Process breakdown
The Stirling Cycle Materials used utopia. η = 1 - TC TH ___
Types of Stirling Engines 1.Alpha Stirling Engine- contains two power pistons in separate cylinders, one "hot" piston and one "cold" piston. 2.Beta Stirling Engine- single power piston arranged within the same cylinder on the same shaft as a displacer piston. 3.Gamma Stirling Engine- power piston is mounted in a separate cylinder alongside the displacer piston cylinder. 1. 2. 3.
Types of Stirling Engines Alpha Beta Gamma
Alpha Stirling Engine Contains two power pistons in separate cylinders, one "hot" piston and one "cold" piston.
Beta Stirling Engine Single power piston arranged within the same cylinder on the same shaft as a displacer piston.
Gamma Stirling Engine Power piston is mounted in a separate cylinder alongside the displacer piston cylinder, but is still connected to the same flywheel.
Components Pink – Hot cylinder wall Dark grey – Cold cylinder wall Components Pink – Hot cylinder wall Dark grey – Cold cylinder wall Yellow – Coolant inlet and outlet pipes Dark green – Thermal insulation separating the two cylinder ends Light green – Displacer piston Dark blue – Power piston Light blue – Linkage crank and flywheels
How it Works The pressure chamber contains air that is held inside the sterling engine while bottom part of the engine is warm while the top part of the engine is cool. When the air is warm it expands and pushes out on the driver mechanism. The drive mechanism pushes and pulls on the crank shaft which causes the crank shaft on the wheel to rotate.
Applications 1.Water pump stations 1. 2.Solar power generation 2.
Applications 3.Heat pump 3. 4.Marine engines 5.Nuclear power 4. 5.
Applications 6.Aircraft engines 6. 7.Micro CHP 7.
Conclusion Unlimited source of heat source. Political awareness of green heat and power production. Large market experiencing rapid growth. Many different possible applications.
Sources ELAC- G.E. 101 (Stirling Engine Final Design Project) Team: Fast Five (YouTube)
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