Mardi le 7 mai
RE-TEST DATES Mon. 6:45 or 2:30 Wed. 6:45 or 2:30 Thurs. 6:45 Fri. 6:45 You must make an appointment with me!
Thursday May 9, 2013 World History World Geog Mod (paper) & World Hist Mod (paper) AP Testing 7th Period7:30-9:41 6th Period9:47-11:58 5th Period12:04-1:28 Lunch A : 11:58-12:24 B : 12:30-12:56 C : 1:02-1:28 4th Period1:34-2:25
F 2 per. 1 (7:30-9:41) 1. 7:30-8:45ish- do 3 APT pages (pg. 89, 90: not ex. 3 at bottom, pg all, pg all). Due by 8:45-9:00 a.m. Use book, brain, NOT BUDDIES! :45-Finish watching “La Vie en Rose”. 3. If done dvd early, meet with groups to discuss parts you’ll do for your verb game project. Specs are online! NO H/W!
Per. 2 (9:47-11:58) No class: Proctoring STARR test
Per. 5 (12:04-1:28) B LUNCH (12:30-12:56) 1. Do individually and quietly: APT: 93-94, in class. Due by lunch, if you can! 2. Finish DVD “Le comte de Monte Cristo” 3. Make sure you have your group set up for the verb board games & exchange contact info. Make sure yesterday’s notes are in! This week: Work on borrowed words “L”-in LMS. Write word, part of speech, then definition! Due Friday for 105!
Per. 7 French 1 (1:34-2:25) 1.Due: Notes from yesterday: pgs. 197, 206, 218 =(write once in French & English) 2.Today: Write Unit 5 notes: pgs. 196, 199, 200, 210 & 220. One time each. Due in min. 3.Classwork: APT pages- unit 4 lessons 11 & 12 (59-64). Papers are up by boombox! H/W: Finish APT up!
May 6 th -10 th French Plans Mon. 5/6 Normal bells Tues. 5/7 1 st, 2 nd, 5 th, 7 th Wed. 5/8 4 th, 3 rd, 5 th, 6 th Thurs. 5/9 7th,6th,5th,4th Fri. 5/10 Normal bells F 1- MOI due all week for +5 Notes-Aller & Venir /papers back Orals Unit 4 prac Avoir review W/B F 1 7 th period only Over unit 5 notes Finish W/B No 6 th H/W: APT F 1 6 h period only Over unit 5 notes Finish W/B H/W APT NO 7 th F 1 Notes RE, IR Review ER, Aller, Venir, Aller Oral/audio/written practice APT unit 4 pages-finish due by end of class. H/W: study Avoir, Aller, Venir F 1 Quiz Mon. Verbs See DVD from text F 2 R Unit 5 Notes Makeup Oral practice/audio practice Game groups Finish film F 2 R Notes more unit 5- only per. 1 –no 4 th Written practice DVD of units 3 & 4 F 2 R Notes more unit 5-only per. 4 no 1 st Practice DVD units 3 & 4 F 2 R Only Per 4 at end of day/no 1 st –oral practice only F 2 Review unit 5 words Finish book DVD See Sam video Games due next Fri. for 105 F 2 PreAP Unit 5 notes Makeup Oral practice Game groups F 2 PreAP More notes: unit 5 Written practice DVD-finish Comte F 2 PreAP More notes: unit 5 Oral/written practice Game for review F 2 PreAP Unit 5 practice And review Game & DVD from text F 2 PreAP Quz unit 5 DVD from text F 3 Finish tests, New notes-unit 5 words Song/Projects F 3 NO CLASS F 3 Skits, projects, oral practice, songs, review vocab 5 & future/conditional tenses F 3 No 3 rd NO CLASS F 3 Quiz: future/conditional Skits, projects, oral practice, songs, etc.
Final Exam Info C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\2013 Color Exemption Chart.doc C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\2013 Color Exemption Chart.doc C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\Final Exam Spr '13.doc C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\Final Exam Spr '13.doc