4 Types of Sentences
Introduction: A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark. Different kinds of sentences have different purposes. There are 4 Types of Sentences.
Declarative Sentences A declarative sentence makes a statement. It ends with a period. Examples: I go to Riverwood Middle School. My cat’s name is Simba.
Interrogative Sentences An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark. Examples: May I borrow a pencil? What is your favorite color?
Practice Label the sentence as Interrogative or Declarative Practice Label the sentence as Interrogative or Declarative. Insert a period if the sentence is declarative. Insert a question mark if it is interrogative. Interrogative: Have you ever been that far north? Declarative: I do not like green eggs and ham . I have one little sister. Do you have any siblings ? Have you ever been that far north I do not like green eggs and ham I have one little sister Do you have any siblings
Other Types of Sentences. In addition to declarative and interrogative sentences, there are two other types of sentences.
Exclamatory Sentences An exclamatory sentence shows strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation point. Examples: I have never seen so much traffic! The coffee cup is leaking!
(You) Look both ways before you cross the street. Imperative Sentences An imperative sentence commands someone to do something. The subject you is understood (but not present.) An imperative sentence can end with either a period or an exclamation point. Examples: (You) Look both ways before you cross the street. (You) Watch out!
Practice Label the sentence as Exclamatory or Imperative. I was cast as the lead in the play! Imperative: (You) Come to rehearsal tomorrow. (You) Heads up! Taylor Swift is coming to our school! I was cast as the lead in the play! Come to rehearsal tomorrow. Heads up! Taylor Swift is coming to our school!
Apply What You Know! Scavenger Hunt! Using the stories we have read in class, find 3 examples for each of the 4 types of sentences.