First Language Acquisition Lecture #16
2 First Language Acquisition Why do we call it language acquisition? Learning Intentional process Presupposes teaching Teacher controls pace Acquisition Unconscious process Does not presuppose teaching Child controls pace
3 First Language Acquisition How do nurture and nature interact in FLA? Nature Must have LAD—poverty of stimulus too great to learn without “language instinct” All children learn a language; have language capacity Overgeneralizations demonstrate child is analyzing language Nurture Children cannot acquire language without interaction/scaffolding Children learn the language of their environment; through parents who model social interaction Memorization of chunks by rote demonstrates not all info is anlayzed fully
4 Four Pillars of FLA Ability Physiological Cognitive Interaction Scaffolding (Caretaker speech) Motivation Internal vs. External Instrumental vs. Integrative Data Forms Meaning Function 1.Targeted/limited vocab 2.Exaggerated intonation 3.Repetition 4.Questioning
5 Critical Period Hypothesis There is an ideal window of opportunity within which we are primed to acquire language: birth - puberty Evidence? Adults struggle to learn a second language (to a greater or lesser degree) The question is why? We struggle with both the physiological and the cognitive ability.
6 Stages of First Language Acquisition Prelinguistic Sounds 0-1 mo. Sleep, eat, cry 1 mo. Intonational patterns 2-5 mos. Cooing stage 5-12 mos. Babbling stage One-word Stage (holophrastic) 1 yr. emergence of first word (controversial) 1 yr., 6 mos. Holophrastic stage intonation layers on meaning ‘fis’ phenomenon
7 Stages of First Language Acquisition Two-word Stage 2 yrs. Two words, three possible interpretations Subject-verb ‘Mary go.’ Verb-modifier ‘Push truck.’ Possessor-possesed ‘Mommy sock’ Content words, no function words Telegraphic Stage 2 yrs., 6 mos. telegraphic stage 2-5 words with little extra morphology Morphological overgeneralization Easier, more productive morphemes first
8 Stages of First Language Acquisition Telegraphic Stage, cont. 2-5 yrs. More elaborate syntax Learning words per day Semantic overgeneralization/ undergeneralization Fine-tuning 5-10 yrs. Refining grammar, building vocabulary How children learn vocabulary: –Assign word to a broad semantic category –Work out distinctions among words in that category
9 Building Vocabulary Traditional efforts: Flash cards Look it up in the dictionary— what is the problem here? Better to learn vocab in context: Reading Conversation Language learning software How can you help your children develop their language skills the most?