Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Rechelle Mojica Dr. Mari Guillermo San Diego Miramar College San Diego State University – Interwork Institute
Universal Design = “The design of products and environments to be usable by all people without the need for adaptation or specialized design” Center for Universal Design, North Carolina State University
Is our physical environment welcoming to ALL students?
Design with All Users in Mind
What is Universal Design for Learning? An approach to designing course instruction, materials, and content to make learning accessible to all students.
Universal Design vs. Universal Design for Learning UDUDL Physical EnvironmentInstructional Environment Physical barriers - architectural environment Learning barriers - curricular environment Proactive design of physical space Proactive design of curriculum and instruction Physical retrofitting - costly, often inelegant Instructional accommodations - time consuming, difficult to implement
A SPOTLIGHT ON THE SCHOLARS 9 Principles of Universal Design for Instruction (McGuire, Scott, Shaw, 2003)
Equitable Use Curriculum design is useful and accessible to students with diverse abilities.
Flexibility in Use Curriculum design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities.
Simple and Intuitive Use Curriculum design is straightforward and predictable. Eliminate unnecessary complexity.
Perceptible Information Curriculum design communicates necessary information effectively to the student regardless of student’s sensory abilities.
A Community of Learners Curriculum design promotes interaction and communication among students and between students and faculty.
Does One Size Really Fit All?
The “universal” in universal design does not imply that one size fits all; instead, it stresses the need for flexible, customizable content, assignments and activities. 23 CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology)
Project Higher Education San Diego State University - Interwork Institute This presentation was developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, Grant #P333A However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education and the audience should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.