East and Southeast Asia Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points National GEF Priority Setting San Win, Myanmar
Background information for Myanmar Located in SE Asia, 676,557 Km 2 in area Population 55 Millions (2006) 70% Rural population (2% GR) 42% lives in upland areas Agricultural-based Economy Land (soil) Conservation should be given in priority
Soil degradation problems by area Soil erosion in hilly region Salinity problems in costal area Alkalinity problems in dry area Acidity problem in laterite soil Seasonal floods in low land
Soil erosion in hilly area Manily caused be shifting cultivation 155,607 Km 2 shifting cultivation affected area (22.8% in 1989) 2 million families estimated to be involved in the practice Fallow cycle ranges between 3-10 years (0 in some areas) Low crop productivity and increase in human population accelerate further expansion of this practice
Alternative options in the place of the practice Agroforestry practice (areas close to urban areas) Fallow-land management System (in remote areas) Any other options (job opportunities)
National Action Plan-2005 to address the issue NAP: to reverse the trend of land degradation and desertification in short, medium and long-term To be integrated the NAP into the National SD plans, long-term programmes and strategies
For successful NAP implementation Political commitment & support People’s participation Multidisciplinary approach Sufficient resources Regional and int’l cooperation Capacity building & Monitoring and evaluation
Programmes under imple - mentation in addition to the NAP Watershed management plan Management of development activities in the high-land of border areas (to reduce shifting cultivation practice) Planning highland reclamation for period (to reduce shifting cultivation practice) Implementation of community-based natural resource management
GEF focal areas for project funding Biological diversity Climate Change International Waters Ozone-Layer Depletion Land Degradation and POPs (Focal Point Handbook)
GEF funding Being an agricultural-based country Myanmar is, land conservation is given in top priority Land rehabilitation and conservation measures are in-line with the national priority, and GEF funding to those activities will ensure for achieving the Sustainable Development in the country