By: Justin Woodfin
The Basics The atmosphere is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. The atmosphere contains the oxygen we need to breathe it also protects us from the suns harmful rays. Altitude is the height of an object above the earths surface.
The different layers. The troposphere-the lowest layer of the atmosphere. The stratosphere is very thin and contains little moisture. Mesosphere- the coldest layer of the atmoshere. The thermosphere is the uppermost atmospheric layer.
The ways the sun can harm us. Radiation from the sun is what causes convection and conduction but it can also kill if exposed to enough of it. Gamma rays are waves of radiation. The earths heating process is known as the green house effect.
Global Warming Global warming is just a rise in global temperatures caused by the hole in the ozone layer that is letting in radiation causing a global rise in temperature. Wind is moving air. The curving of moving objects is the Coriolis effect.
Winds Trade winds are winds that blow from 30 latitude to the equator. Westerlies are wind belts that are found in both the northern and southern hemispheres between 30 and 60 latitude Polar easterslies are wind belts that extend from the poles
Jet streams are narrow belts of high-speed winds that blow in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
What Are We Breathing in Primary Pollutants are pollutants that are put directly into the air by human or natural activity. Secondary pollutants are pollutants that form from chemical reactions that occur when primary pollutants come in contact with other primary pollutants or with naturally occurring substances, such as water vapor.
Acid rain is caused by chemicals in the air mix and be come acidic, this is a real problem