Grievance procedure
Any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company which an employee thinks, believes or even feels to be unjust or inequitable
Forma of grievances Factual Imaginary Disguised
Causes Economic Work environment Supervision Work group Miscellaneous
Effects On production includes 1.Low quality of production 2.Low quantity of production and productivity 3.Increase in the wastage of material, spoilage/breakage of machinery 4.Increase in the cost of production per unit
On the employees: 1.Increase the rate of absenteeism and turnover 2.Reduces the level of commitment, sincerity and punctuality 3.Increase the incidence of accidents 4.Reduces the level of employee morale
On the manager: 1.Strains the superior-subordinate relations 2.Increases the degree of supervision, control and follow-up 3.Increase in indiscipline cases 4.Increase in unrest and thereby machinery to maintain industrial peace.
Discovery of grievances Observation Grievance procedure Gripe boxes Open door policy Exit interview Opinion survey
Essential pre-requisites of a grievance procedure Conformity with statutory provisions Unambiguity Simplicity Promptness Training Follow-up
Steps Identify grievance Define correctly Collect data Analyse and solve Prompt redressal Implement and follow-up
Model grievance procedure Appeal against within a week Manager Grievance committee HOD Supervisor Foreman worker 3 days 7 days unanimous 3 days 48 hours
Guidelines for handling grievance Treat each case as important and get the grievance in writing. Talk to the employee directly Discuss in a private place Handle each case within a time frame Examine company provisions in each case Get all relevant facts about the grievance.
Gather information from the union representative Control your emotions, your remarks and behaviour Maintain proper records and follow-up the action taken in each case Be proactive if possible