What’s New with Curriculum? Julie Bruno, Sierra College Lesley Kawaguchi, Santa Monica College
OVERVIEW Senate authority for curriculum AA-Ts/AS-Ts Repetition Repeatability SSTF Recommendations and Curriculum Curricular decisions due to budget Program and Course Approval Handbook FAQ document on curriculum New senate paper ACE transcripts
How many of you have curriculum experience?
Senate Authority Title 5 ▫Section (b) Defines and empowers academic senates ▫Section (c) Lists the 10+1 ▫Section (d) Defines “consult collegially,” “primarily rely,” and “mutually agree”
Senate Authority: Curriculum Section ▫Defines the curriculum committee and how it is to be formed ▫Defines the role of the curriculum committee in recommending curriculum ▫Defines standards for credit, noncredit, and community service courses
AA-T/AS-T: Transfer Degrees 383 local degrees approved as of June 7 ▫Pasadena and Sierra lead with 10 approved degrees ▫All CCCs compliant (minimum two approved degrees) as of May 2 nd 20 TMCs finalized and active; six more in preparation (Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Spanish, Philosophy), two more in queue (TV/radio/film, social work) CSU participation: 13 TMCs accepted as similar by 18 or more CSUs, 15 accepted by 16 or more, numbers growing regularly
Repetition New Title 5 regulations on repetition active in summer Three total attempts, including Ws Courses tied to a parent course (honors courses, modularized courses, accelerated courses) will count with parent course for repetition Guidelines from Chancellor’s Office coming soon
Repeatability (T ) Allow repeat due to extenuating circumstances Allow student to repeat a course in occupational work experience under the circumstances described in section Legally mandated training Significant change in industry standard—necessary for employment Permit a student with a disability to repeat a special class for students with disabilities any number of times Active participatory courses “Family” limitations for physical education, visual arts or performing arts
Repeatability Repeatable Types of Courses (T ) ▫Meets Major Requirements of CSU or UC ▫Intercollegiate Athletics (T ) Limitation to 350 hours No more than 175 hours in courses that focus on conditioning or skill development. ▫Intercollegiate academic or vocational competition Significant Lapse of Time (T ) ▫No less than 36 months ▫Exceptions Recency as a prerequisite for another course Other higher education institutions requirement Active participatory courses—repeat for this reason counts against total
Repeatability Options for changes ▫Leveled Courses Must have separate CORs and outcomes ▫Separate Courses ▫Community Service Working on change to allow combination with credit ▫Noncredit
SSTF Recommendations and Curriculum 1.1 Develop college readiness standards with K-12 ▫Under discussion but not moving forward quickly 2.1 Common Diagnostic Assessment ▫Under development. ASCCC is working to ensure that the right to supplement the common assessment with local instruments is retained
SSTF Recommendations & Curriculum 3.4 Students who test below college level must begin remediation early. ▫ASCCC encouraging the use or prerequisites to fulfill this recommendation. ▫ASCCC paper: Implementing Content Review for Communication and Computation Prerequisites Implementing Content Review for Communication and Computation Prerequisites 5.1 Encourage Innovation in Basic Skills Instruction ▫Chancellor’s Office organizing workgroup to explore options this summer.
Curricular Decisions & the Budget Is your college having issues in this area? ▫Courses put on hiatus or removed from catalog ▫Program discontinuance initiated for budgetary reasons rather than program viability Need to have established procedures in place for program review, program discontinuance, and program suspension or hiatus Important for faculty, staff, and administrators to collaborate to articulate overall vision, values, and priorities for the college
Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) The new version of the PCAH will be released this summer ▫Coming online version will hot link to forms ▫Forms will have drop down menus ▫New section on Non-Credit ▫Other sections updated, including changes to prerequisites ▫Section on units-to-hours clarified
Curriculum FAQ: F 10 DEVELOPING A REFERENCE DOCUMENT FOR CURRICULUM Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a reference document or tool designed expressly for curriculum chairs and curriculum committees that offers information and advice regarding commonly posed questions on curricular regulations and procedures and make that reference tool available through the Academic Senate Curriculum Website and other appropriate methods.
New ASCCC Paper: Setting Course Enrollment Maximums: Process, Roles, and Principles Adopted Spring Plenary 2012 ASCCC.org
ACE Transcripts American Council on Education (ACE) – Commission for Lifelong Learning ▫Provides units Course evaluation ▫Based on Program of Instruction Codes the course ▫Based on faculty recommendations
ACE Transcripts Local curriculum committees need to establish processes GE credits or actual course credit? ▫E.g., Navy recruiter occupation gets credits for public speaking Credit limits? ▫Some districts have established limits Need to talk with local transfer CSUs as to what kind of credit they accept
Additional Resources Chancellor’s Office developing webinars on topics such as noncredit approval, CTE program approval, high school diploma programs, and community education Questions for the Chancellor’s Office staff can be sent to
Curriculum Institute ASCCC biggest event of the year Release of new edition of the PCAH and the Online Curriculum Inventory 2 Breakouts for both new and experienced curriculum committee chairs and members Participation from Chancellor’s Office Staff July at the SFO Hyatt Curriculum Institute has sold out! (Waitlist is available)
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