Nature of Work: The goals, in any branch of Psychology, is understanding the human behavior, mind and their habits. Primarily, psyhologists work in either two areas: research psychology or applied psychology. Psychologists practice in the setting of schools, univerisities, and health clinics.
Education and Training: 6 or 12 year degree: depending on focused field within psychology. Perform research, work supervised clinical rotations and teach classes. Most psychologist jobs require experience, and many states require it for licensure. A master's or doctorate's degree in order to be liscensed or certified.
Other Qualifications necessary/helpful: Knowledge of the human mind and behavior to help patients overcome emotional or psychological difficulties. Creativity, patience, and cooperative with the distressed patients. Self-stability in social, relational, and work life. Being inspirational, motivational, and dependable for the patients.
Job Outlooks and Future Prospects: Growth rate is expected to increase at an average rate over the next decade Jobs expected to grow by about 12 percent through the year 2018 The U.S. Department of Labor suggests that job opportunities will eventually be a surfeit of openings in applied specialty areas such as counseling or health psychology. Increase of awareness in School psychology; experiencing growth in the years of mental health for children
Potential Earnings: A mean salary of $72,220 Median Salary: $67,650-$83,580 Top ten percent earn $110,880 Salaries depend on type of psychology (applied or research) and the field.
Related occupations: Academic Counselor Advanced Psychiatirc Nurse Advertising Agent Animal Trainer
Grandfather Howard Lockwood U.S. Navy 1950's Electrical Engineering
Nature of work : Provide communications and support to the fleet Repair and calibrate precision electronic equipment Test, install, and maintain aircraft instruments and electrical equipment.
Education and Training: Learn the fundementals of electronics Formal Navy school at A-school AIT (Advanced Indiviual Training) Other schools depending on the specialty training
Other Qualifications necessaery/helpful: Learn quick and efficiently with training and hands-on experience No degree required Must pass requirements that apply to electronics jobs in advanced programs such as SECF and NF (Submarine Electronic/Computer Program and Nuclear Field.)
Job outlook and future prospects: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted that military careers across all branches should be excellent from Define operations are growing with demand for qualified engineers. Many retire after 20 years of service and receive a full pension
Potential Earnings: Average Salary: $68,307 Top ten percent: $113k Range: $35k-$113k
Related Occupations: Illuminating Engineering Planning Engineering Sales-Engineering