27-28 October 2011 Progress of the draft Council and European Parliament Regulation on the European Safety Survey (SASU)
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 2 Background Proposal for a regulation of the EP and Council on European Statistics on Safety from crime Adopted by the Commission on 8 June 2011 Latest changes after ESSC discussion Feb –Regulation limited to a one-off operation in 2013 –No Delegated Act –List of variables to be put in EP/Council regulation –Timeliness: data to be sent by Member States by 31 July 2014 (instead of 31 October) and published by 31 December (instead of 31 March 2015)
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 3 State of play in the ‘Statistics’ Council Working Group First presentation of the proposal, 12 July 2011 More detailed discussions on 20 September and 11 October Next meeting 23 November, draft SASU manual and proposals on sampling approach to be presented Further meeting 15 December, financial statement to be presented
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 4 Initial issues raised in the ‘Statistics’ Council Working Group Comparability –Different interview modes, period of interviews, etc. –‘Output harmonisation’ Financing –90% of eligible costs maximum –How is this to be guaranteed? Date for sending data –Deadline 31 July 2014 too early for some countries Content –‘Too long’, selection on a ‘need to know’ basis
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 5 Important changes suggested by Council Working Party New recital (10a) referring to report of European Data Protection Supervisor, and reference to Directive 95/46/EC in Art.7 ‘Metadata on quality’ replaced by ‘metadata’ (Art. 2) “Data shall be collected on the basis of a sample of households or persons as set out in Article 5. The information on the socio- demographic background of respondents and technical variables may be taken from administrative sources” (Art. 4.1) MSs to send data by 15 September 2014 (Art. 7), Commission to publish results by 15 February 2015 (Art. 9), MSs to send quality reports by 15 October 2014 (Art. 10) Commission to compile report on the implementation of the Regulation by 31 December 2015 (Art. 10) “The Commission (Eurostat) shall, in close co-operation with Member States, draw up a methodological manual which contains guidelines on the statistics produced pursuant to this Regulation, including definitions to be applied to the characteristics of the required information and common standards designed to ensure the quality of the data” (Art. 10a)
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 6 Annex I – Specific issues concerning variables, to be clarified in the SASU manual 1. Justification for details on ‘rare crime types’ such as robbery 2. Likelihood of burglary (replace with ‘worry about burglary’?) 3. Violence –some changes may be needed (such as ‘ever’ suggests lifetime experience, ‘pushed’ should consistently be ‘pushed or shoved’, attempted sexual violence should precede actual sexual violence) 4. ‘Past relationships’ removed from background variables - should this now be included as a variable elsewhere or would an answer category (‘no present or previous partner’) be sufficient
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 7 Annex II – National territories that may be excluded from the survey Addition of Gozo & Comino (Malta) and Gibraltar (UK)
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 8 Funding 1. EU will fund up to 90% of total eligible costs (Art. 11) 2. Presidency will collect from Member States necessary information to estimate costs (such as sample size, interview mode, one/several respondents per household) 3. Table to be included in legislative financial statement
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 9 State of play in the European Parliament Rapporteur Timothy Kirkhope MEP, UK, Conservative Committee Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs ‘Tripartite meetings’ to be arranged
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 10 Implementing Act Data coding scheme = List of variables Details of Quality Report Arrangements for sending microdata
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 11 Contents of SASU manual I.INTRODUCTION 1.Purpose of the document II.SURVEY GUIDELINES 1.Ethics 2.Age limits 3.Interview training 4.Translation 5.Legal act/s 6.Precision requirements and sample size 7.Fieldwork III.INTERVIEW GUIDELINES 1.Selection of respondents 2.List of variables (including the rationale, definition and guidance for the interview) 3.Priorities within victimisations 4.SASU model questionnaire IV.CODING INFORMATION 1.Code book 2.Classifications used 3.Checking rules (applied to the data set delivered to Eurostat) 3.1Data level checking rules 3.2Record level checking rules 3.3File level checking rules 3.4update history V.ANNEXES: 1.Results of some cognitive tests and pilots 2.Content of quality report 3.Pre-defined tables VI.BIBLIOGRAPHY
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 12 Topics to be further developed in groups after the TF 1.Questions on crime (=screeners) PAGES Questions on crime details PAGES Attitude to law enforcement/security precautions, and feelings of safety/worries about crime PAGES 13-17, Violence crimes PAGES Other parts of the manual (survey guidelines etc) PAGES 1-7, Sampling issues PAGES 7-10
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 13 Specific objectives for this Task Force 1. (Art. 2 with new Art.10a on methodological manual) – justifying that the manual includes all issues raised by MS and setting the date of its final version availability. 2. (Art. 5) The questions to solve: to determine the method for choosing the real sample size to define the method for calculating the design effect to define precision requirements regarding population estimates 3. (Art. 6) The issue of number of persons interviewed within the one household. 4. (Annex I. 1.3) – justifying the breakdown by details for “rare” crimes such as robbery. 5. (Annex I. 4) The wording of last indent needs to be decided (“worries to suffer a burglary” – as presidency proposes or “likelihood of burglary” as in the Commission proposal and as some MS suggest) – this does not mean the same but wording “worries to suffer a burglary” is more suitable as regards the title of section “Respondent’s feelings and worries...”. 6. (Annex I.5) The issue of “past relationships” needs to be determined (it was excluded from the legal text on the CWPS and Eurostat proposed to introduce it to the manual); it should be explained to MS whether it is just filter or a value needed for calculating violence rates.
27-28 October 2011 Thank you for listening
27-28 October 2011 European Safety Survey 15 Groups for topics 1. Questions on experience of crime (screeners) Victor Garcia (PT), 2. Questions on crime details Klara Klingspor (SE), 3. Attitude to law enforcement/ security precautions, feelin gs of safety/worries about crime Klara Klingspor (SE), 4. Violence crimes Giusy Muratore (IT), 5. Other parts of the manual (survey guidelines etc) 6. Sampling issues Barbara Bauer (AT), Guillaume Osier (LU), Petr Nosal (CZ), Martins Liberts (LV)