Safer Westminster Partnership BME Consultation Findings 27 th February 2007
Quantitative: 270 face-to-face interviews Qualitative: 24 in-depth interviews Qualitative: Five focus groups Sample size of 334 Methodology
BME Consultation Findings Experiences of Racist Crime Overall, 18% of respondents had experienced racist hate crime When exploring the nature of racist crime 75% took the form of racial slurs / verbal abuse The ethnic groups that most commonly experience racist hate crime are Bangladeshis (27%), Eastern Europeans (25%), Pakistanis (23%) and Black Caribbeans (23%)
BME Consultation Findings Barriers and Motivations to Reporting Just over a third of victims did not report the race hate incident to the police, as they think the incident would not be taken seriously enough The two main barriers to reporting racist hate crime are fear of reprisals (37%) and not wanting to go to court (27%) Key motivators to reporting racist hate crime are, the guarantee of confidentiality (72%) followed by better care of victims (55%) and better information about what a racist incident is (41%). No information at all…our knowledge of police is poor and we don’t have anyone to speak for us (Polish, male, 24yrs)
BME Consultation Findings Attitudes towards Westminster and the Council Overall, Westminster’s ethnic residents are positive about Westminster City Council (48%) and one quarter have no views either way. This is reinforced by people feeling satisfied with Westminster as a place to live (75%)
BME Consultation Findings Attitudes towards Westminster and the Authorities Around a third of those interviewed feel positive towards and a third are critical of the police (30% and 34%) I think that the police would just tick the box to say they have had incidents but that’s it – I don’t know how they could catch anyone (Pakistani, male, 24yrs) I did not call the police because I thought society is the same so why should the police care (Paskistani, male, 33yrs)
What we have we done in Year 1 Revised the Racist Incidents Panel - More functional - Better outcomes - Better information Sharing Visits to mosques - 5 mosques visited - Literature distributed on how to report in 4 languages Racist Incidents Working Group formed - Action plan developed - Internal hate crime training undertaken for frontline staff BME Consultation undertaken - Commissioned & completed - First BME consultation since WEMNA (2002/03)
What we need to do in Years 2 & 3 Partnership working - More reports from schools - More reports from City West Homes Communicate & Re-assure - Sustained communication campaign (to educate) - Work through all operational police (to re-assure) Outreach work - Race & Faith workers now in CDRT, VAW, CAB etc. - Engage community groups regularly Improve and increase support to victims - Need to expand capacity of victim support services - View victim support as an outcome, not an ancillary service
Weaknesses and Threats Lack of reports (Schools, City West) Police positive follow up policy Partnership awareness Resources (e.g. Pump Priming only)