特邀学术报告 报告题目: Building a Large-Scale Distributed Battery Energy Storage System: An Energy Internet Approach 报 告 人: Prof. Song Ci University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA 报告时间: 2015 年 3 月 6 日, 星期五,下午 2:30 报告地点:清华大学西主楼 3 区 102 主办单位:清华大学电机系 联 系 人:康重庆
报告内容 Massive electrochemical energy storage is an enabling technology that smoothes and firms intermittent and ramping renewable energy resources into utility electric grids. For large-scale renewable energy storage at MWh level, multi-cell Lithium-Ion battery systems are still one of the most cost-effective, feasible solutions for ubiquitous deployment. However, design deficiencies in current multi-cell battery systems impede them in large-scale renewable energy storage, including 1) monolithic design with fixed cell string structure; 2) lack of an efficient method to utilize the cell state variation for energy conversation efficiency; and 3) reliance on engineering design heuristics and lack of a systematic, holistic design with dynamic power management and time-varying source/load conditions. This talks will focus on an ambitious, paradigm-shifting design for large-scale battery systems for renewable energy storage, inspired by the concept of Energy Internet, especially on how to seamlessly integrate information and energy flows in such systems.
报告人简介 Dr. Song Ci is an Associate Professor with the ECE Department of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. His current research interests include large-scale dynamic complex system modeling and optimization, energy Internet and distributed energy management, green computing and communications, and mobile Internet. He has published more than 180 peer-reviewed articles in those areas, and his research has been support by NSF and other funding sources. He has served as editor or guest editor in many journals such as IEEE Transactions on CSVT, IEEE JSAC, IEEE Access, and IEEE Wireless Network. He also served in TPC of numerous international conferences. He is senior member of IEEE and member of ACM.