Principles of Animal Welfare Lynda Mellor BVetMed, MPhil, ACAT
The five freedoms no. 1 free from thirst, hunger, and malnutrition free from thirst, hunger, and malnutrition
Five freedoms no.2 Free from environmental discomfort
Five freedoms no.3 Free from injury or disease
Five freedoms no4 Free from restrictions of NORMAL BEHAVIOUR
Five freedoms no.5 Free from distress
Human rights and animal rights Animals do not have ‘rights’ in NZ. NZ accepts that animals WILL BE USED. A pure rights position would make pets and farming illegal. human rights = rights.html rights.html rights.html
Presentation topics
Animal slaughter Are slaughter techniques acceptable? Traditional NZ Halal Jewish
Long distance transport Is long-distance transport by road acceptable?
Circus animals Is it okay for wild animals to be closely confined, constantly travelling and used in entertainment? ////
Sheep Is mulesing acceptable? Is 20% lamb mortality acceptable?
Sea transport of sheep Is long-distance transport by sea acceptable?
Dairy cattle What are the main welfare problems for dairy cows?
Velvet antler removal Are the binding safeguards enough to protect stags during antler removal?
Rodeo Is this an acceptable form of entertainment? How stressful do you think the event are for the animals?
Horses What events involving horses raise welfare concerns? Twitching – a benign handling method or an animal welfare insult?
Bobby calves Is the bobby calf trade humane?
Boarding establishments Do our pets get bored?
Slaughter How do we achieve humane slaughter?
Pet shops / breeders Should pet shops be allowed to sell animals to just anyone?
Pigs Why are sows kept in stalls? Why should sows not be kept in stalls?
Zoos Can zoos provide for good animal welfare?
Transport in NZ What safeguards are necessary when transporting animals between the North and South Islands?
Saleyards What precautions are required to minimise injury in saleyards?
Scientific use How are animals that are used in scientific experiments protected?
Layer hens What are the issues in the debate about caged birds versus free range birds?
Emergency slaughter Who should do it? How should animals that are in extremis be despatched?
Dogs What are deemed reasonable standards for care of dogs?
Cats What are deemed reasonable standards for the care of cats?
Broilers Is it reasonable to keep chickens closely confined for 6 weeks and then slaughter them? See video
Ostrich and emu What are suitable conditions for care of these birds?
Wildlife issues Stranded whales Dolphin bycatch Longline fishing Kaimanawa horse cull